javascript - Performing a delete in mvc-5 action through JQuery -

i have website i'm working on, user can add or delete booked traffics tram network. i've come far delete button.

<input type="button" value="delete" class="deletetraffic btn btn-link noborder nobackground" data-id="" /> 
jquery(document).ready(function() {     jquery('.deletetraffic').click(function() {         var id = $(this).data('id');         var url = '@url.action("deletetraffic", "trafficdate", new { trafficid=id })';         url = url.replace("id", id);         $.post(url, function (data) {             if (data) {                 $('#pnledittraffics').hide().fadein('fast');             } else {                 alert("error.");             }         });     }); }); 
public actionresult deletetraffic(int id) {     return json(trafficdata.deletetraffic(id)); } 

the button works fine , parameter comes through fine, action in controller never reached. controller named trafficdatecontroller

the first problem order in you're passing arguments url.action(), action name first parameter while second controller name:

@url.action("deletetraffic", "trafficdate") 

also, since deletetraffic action meant invoked using post verb, better pass id part of request body hence avoiding need manually construct final path using url.replace('id', id):

var url = '@url.action("deletetraffic", "trafficdate")',     data = { id: id };  $.post(url, data, function (data) {      // ... }); 

see msdn


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