html - Eliminating Span Elements in a nested TD using BeautifulSoup -

i'm pretty new webscraping, wrote small little script extract player scores site:

here's code:

import urllib2 bs4 import beautifulsoup  soup = beautifulsoup(urllib2.urlopen("").read()  row in soup('tr', {'class':'even'}):   rank = row('td')[0].string   td2 = row('td')[1]   name in td2('a'):      user = name.text   score = row('td')[2].string  print rank, user, score 

now, works pretty except user has 2 other scores in name well. looking @ html, seems there 2 span elements after href. sample output

my first thought split 'user' on white space, names have spaces in them, didn't work. thought looking numeric, users have numeric names well.

i figure eliminating span best option. however, i'm not sure best way parse them out be. appreciated!

the scores in separate span tags - use it:

for row in soup('tr', {'class': 'even'}):     cells = row('td')     rank = cells[0].string      # finding first text node - our name     name = cells[1].a.find(text=true).strip()      # ranks in 2 separate `span` tags     rank1, rank2 = cells[1].find_all("span")      print name, rank1.text, rank2.text 


galaxie 1 3 smilingone 2 35 locioiling 3 9 desnouck maarten 4 153 ... 


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