git - github exclusions on live server -

so using tutorial here: 

to deploy gituhub project our live server. looks , easy enough, have set of files on our production server want excluded versioning, because special production versions of same files have in repository, , not changed. have files on live server, don't need commit them or anything. can't have them overwritten or deleted when pull origin onto server, , see how delete them if didn't exist in repo and/or there like-named files(but development versions) in repo. else set way on our server svn way when, , have same git. open other ways of handling it.

i know need file exclusions... not sure how tell git exclusions file given flow listed in github tutorial.

sincere help. appreciated.

you can modify deployment script replacing git pull these commands:

  1. git commit -a -m "local changes", it's required because cannot merge when have uncommited changes;
  2. git fetch, fetch changes remote;
  3. git merge fetch_head --ff -x ours -m "merge", merge changes remote, using local versions of files when conflicts occur.

finally, list of commands in deployment script this:

$commands = array(     'echo $pwd',     'whoami',     'git commit -a -m "local changes"',     'git fetch',     'git merge fetch_head --ff -x ours -m "merge"',     'git status',     'git submodule sync',     'git submodule update',     'git submodule status', ); 


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