logging - Correlation Token for Service Fabric Actors and Services -

we started playing service fabric microservice platform , after having succesfully implemented our firsts "hello world" samples actor pattern, stateless/stateful services, web api (and on) moving looking solutions other core aspects auth/autz , application logging.

i have doubt logging; in soa have designed till added "correlation token" services involved (often @ architectural level, automatically added header onto wcf, hidden developers) so, trying same service fabric.

looking best solution let flow "correlation token" through actor/service calls, since haven't found out ready out-of-the-box, wondering if looking theoretically wrong.

any suggestion out there?

i've had lot of success using serilog , seq , using enricher add properties log messages.

in services call servicelogger.createlogger(this) log enriched state service. if want correlation token should able add relatively easily, it's not i've done yet.

i think i've copied relevant code below!

public class servicefabricenricher<t> : ilogeventenricher t : servicecontext {     protected t context { get; }     private logeventproperty _nodename;      public servicefabricenricher(t context)     {         context = context;     }      public virtual void enrich(logevent logevent, ilogeventpropertyfactory propertyfactory)     {         if (_nodename == null) _nodename = propertyfactory.createproperty("nodename", context.nodecontext.nodename);         logevent.addpropertyifabsent(_nodename);     } }   public class serviceenricher<t> : servicefabricenricher<t> t : servicecontext {     private logeventproperty _servicename;     private logeventproperty _partitionid;     private logeventproperty _applicationname;      public serviceenricher(t context) : base(context)     {     }      public override void enrich(logevent logevent, ilogeventpropertyfactory propertyfactory)     {         base.enrich(logevent, propertyfactory);          if (_servicename == null) _servicename = propertyfactory.createproperty("servicename", context.servicename);         if (_partitionid == null) _partitionid = propertyfactory.createproperty("partitionid", context.partitionid);         if (_applicationname == null) _applicationname = propertyfactory.createproperty("applicationname", context.codepackageactivationcontext.applicationname);          logevent.addpropertyifabsent(_servicename);         logevent.addpropertyifabsent(_partitionid);         logevent.addpropertyifabsent(_applicationname);     } }  public static class servicefabriclogger {     private static ilogger createrdefaultlogger()     {         var configurationprovider = new fabricconfigurationprovider("seqconfig");          var loggerconfiguration = new loggerconfiguration();         if (configurationprovider.hasconfiguration)         {             var seqserver = configurationprovider.getvalue("seqserver");             loggerconfiguration =                 loggerconfiguration                 .writeto.seq(seqserver, period: timespan.frommilliseconds(500))                 ;              var level = configurationprovider.getvalue("minimumlevel");             logeventlevel minimumlevel;             if (!string.isnullorwhitespace(level) && enum.tryparse<logeventlevel>(level, true, out minimumlevel))             {                 loggerconfiguration = loggerconfiguration.minimumlevel.is(minimumlevel);             }         }         else         {             loggerconfiguration =                 loggerconfiguration                 .minimumlevel.error()                 ;         }          log.logger = loggerconfiguration.createlogger();         return log.logger;     }      public static ilogger logger { get; } = createrdefaultlogger(); }  public static class servicelogger {     public static ilogger createlogger(this statefulservicebase service) =>         servicefabriclogger.logger.forcontext(new[] { new statefulserviceenricher(service.context) });      public static ilogger createlogger(this statelessservice service) =>         servicefabriclogger.logger.forcontext(new[] { new statelessserviceenricher(service.context) }); } 


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