ios - Assertion failure when delete rows in UITableView -

when delete row in tableview,i getting following exception:

*** assertion failure in -[uitableview _endcellanimationswithcontext:], /buildroot/library/caches/ 

and here's part of code:

[self.feedlistview.tableview beginupdates]; [self.feedlistview.tableview deleterowsatindexpaths:@[ atindexpath ] withrowanimation:uitableviewrowanimationfade]; [self.feedlistview.tableview endupdates]; 

and screenshot:

enter image description here

any appreciated.


you need remove feedtodelete self.allfeeds:

[self.feedlistview.tableview beginupdates]; nsmutablearray *array = [self.allfeeds mutablecopy]; [array removeobject:feedtodelete]; self.allfeeds = array; [self.feedlistview.tableview deleterowsatindexpaths:@[ atindexpath ] withrowanimation:uitableviewrowanimationfade]; [self.feedlistview.tableview endupdates]; 


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