reactjs - Keybindings in react -

i've been trying figure out keybindings in react , i'm bit stuck.

i placed onkeypress , tried onkeydown on input. allowed me handle letters , enter key.

however haven't been able find way handle arrow keys , esc key without creating document.addeventlistener('keydown'', this.onkeypress)

anyone have better solution?

you can use focus , blur events control lifecycle of event handler.

render() {   return (     <input ref={inputloaded} type="text" />   ); }, inputloaded(input) {   input.addeventlistener('focus', this.addeventlisteners);   input.addeventlistener('blur', this.removeeventlisteners);   this.input = input; }, componentwillunmount() {   this.input.removeeventlistener('focus', this.addeventlisteners);   this.input.removeeventlistener('blur', this.removeeventlisteners);   window.removeeventlistener('keydown', this.handlekey); }, addeventlisteners() {   window.addeventlistener('keydown', this.handlekey); }, removeeventlisteners() {   window.removeeventlisteners('keydown', this.handlekey); }, handlekey(event) {   // gets called if input focused.   // key } 

alternatively, use focus , blur events control state variable, check whether input has focus inside handlekey method, before doing work.


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