r - Split a string in each row and duplicate that row -

this question has answer here:

in data frame working on, there 1 column of strings might contains ";". want find them , split string delimited ";" , copy row , put separated string different rows.

here sample of data frame:

name     value        10 b;c      20 d        30 e        40 f;g;h    50 

and want be:

name     value        10 b        20 c        20 d        30 e        40 f        50 g        50 h        50 

here trying write:

  df$name <- sapply(df$name,function(x) {      if (grepl(";",df$name)){      unlist(strsplit(df$name,"[;]"))}}) 

the error msg says:

  condition has length > 1 , first element used 

and don't know how put split string different rows

library(dplyr) library(tidyr) df%>%mutate(name=strsplit(as.character(name),';'))%>%unnest(name)   name value 1       10 2    b    20 3    c    20 4    d    30 5    e    40 6    f    50 7    g    50 8    h    50 


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