javascript - Prestashop Ajax Call Not Processing -

the code utilizing require_once , wasn't executing, removing these , debugging problem solved

changed required include_once so

include_once(dirname(__file__).'../../../../config/'); include_once(dirname(__file__).'../../../../init.php');

are working, still cannot access database files

old edit ok so

`if (!defined('_ps_version_'))     echo('no ps ');` 

is echoing "no" return call of ajax call, have tried require_once(dirname(file).'../mymodule.php'); , gave me internal server error 500 in console.

every type of require_once call i've tried has given same error, including direct hardcoded directories, url links, different files, files in same directory, files in c , i've had no luck. older edit

ok, $_get showing data correctly passed ajax, require_once not working, ajax.php not executing @ all.

however, tools::getvalue not working, have not tried edit db don't think work since tools::getvalue causing error

end of edit

here's ajax call, urlvariable pointing http://myserverladidah/ajax.php , there's bunch of variables go along ?data= (some data) &moredata= (some more data)

it's redirecting correct controller, page redirect fine, nothing happening in ajax.php, i've cut ajax down writing hard-coded statement insert database there's nothing happening.

jquery.get(urlvariable, function (data) {             window.location = 'index.php?controller=backendadminpage';         }); 

i've double checked url i'm calling, , variables checking out, can't these javascript variables database.

sorry insufficient information, hope helps // more information

var x = myfunction.getx; var y = myfunction.gety; var z = myfunction.getz;  var urlvariable = '{$server}/modules/mymodule/ajax.php?x=' + x + '&y=' + y + '&z=' + z; 

//ajax.php file

<?php require_once('../mymodule.php');  $sql = 'insert `ps_my_table` (`name`) values (`a`)'; db::getinstance()->execute($sql); 

//previously php file tried values using tools, since nothing happening deleted code , tried above

ps_my_table (name) values (' . tools::getvalue['x'] .')';

//variables dumping in javascript with

console.log(x); console.log(y); console.log(z); 


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the code utilizing require_once , wasn't executing, removing these , debugging problem solved.

the ajax script can use $_get manipulate data required.


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