javascript - logo will change when scroll down -

i'm kinda stuck doing this, need :)

i working on project in shopify

and here problem on site:

  1. scroll down bit, navigation menu appear heritage logo [black] white background. open shop button scroll up, white background of navigation should remain along heritage logo [black] plus search icon [black]

  2. scroll down bit, navigation menu appear heritage logo [black] white background. open shop button close it, heritage logo [black] should remain white background plus search icon [black]

you can test work here jsbin

or if want see live website:

click here , password is: chough

please let me know further information needed, understand better.

thanks in advance :)

javascript & html

$(document).ready(function(){        //jquery.scrollspeed(50, 800);       $('#shop-menu-dropdown').on('click', function (e) {          if($('.livery-collection-menu-container').hasclass('hide')) {                $('.sticky-target-menu').addclass('collection-menu-open').css('transition', 'all 0.5s ease-in-out');        $('.livery-collection-menu-container').slidedown().removeclass('hide');        $('#logo-img img')                .css( {'height': '55px', 'position': 'relative', 'top': '10px',} )                .attr('src','');        $('.livery-search-button')                .attr('src','');              } else {                $('.sticky-target-menu').removeclass('collection-menu-open').css('transition', 'all 0.5s ease-in-out');        $('.livery-collection-menu-container').slideup().addclass('hide');        $('#logo-img img')        		  .css( {'height': '70px', 'position': 'relative', 'top': '10px',} )                .attr('src','');        $('.livery-search-button')                .attr('src','');      }      e.preventdefault();          });        $(window).scroll(function(){          if($(this).scrolltop() > 1) {            // $('#logo-img img').fadeout('slow');            $('#logo-img img')                .css( {'height': '55px', 'position': 'relative', 'top': '10px',} )                .attr('src','');            $('.livery-search-button')                .attr('src','');                      }          if($(this).scrolltop() < 1) {            // $('#logo-img img').fadein('fast');            $('#logo-img img')                .css( {'height': '70px', 'position': 'relative', 'top': '10px',} )                .attr('src','');            $('.livery-search-button')                .attr('src','');          }          if($(this).scrolltop() > 1) {            // $('#logo-img img').fadeout('slow');            $('#logo-img2 img')                                .attr('src','');          }          if($(this).scrolltop() < 1) {            // $('#logo-img img').fadein('fast');            $('#logo-img2 img')                                .attr('src','');          }      });  });
<!-- begin navigation -->                <section id="nav" class="livery-margin-none sticky-target-menu">                                                                        {% if template contains 'product' or template contains 'page' or template contains 'search' or template contains 'cart' or template contains 'checkouts'%}            <!--tumblr-blog-nav-->            <div class="col-md-12 nopadding-nomargin hidden-sm hidden-xs">              <nav class="fl livery-menu">                {% include 'dropdown-tumblr' %}              </nav>             </div>                        <div class="container-fluid nopadding-nomargin visible-sm visible-xs" id="cus-mob-bg">              <div class="col-md-12 nopadding-nomargin">                                <div class="container">                <div class="mobile-menu">                                      <div class="livery-logo text-center">                       {% if settings.use_logo %}                       <a href="/"><img src="{{ 'logoblack.png' | asset_url }}" alt="{{ }}" id="logo_center" /></a>                       {% else %}                       <a href="/">{{ }}</a>                       {% endif %}                    </div>                                      <div class="mobile-menu-button">                      <div class="mobile-currency-switcher hidden-xs hidden-sm">                      <a href="#"><span class="money currency-switcher">${{amount}} cad</span></a>                    	{% include 'custom-currency-picker' %}                                      	</div>                      <a href="javascript:void(0);" class="responsive-button"><i class="fa fa-bars"></i></a>                    </div>                                         <div id="cus-cart-target" class="toolbar-cart {% if cart.item_count != 0 %}has-items{% endif %}">                         <a href="/cart" class="cart" title="shopping cart">                           <i class="fa fa-shopping-cart livery-icon-small"></i>                         </a>                       </div>                                           {% include 'mobile-menu' %}               				</div>                   </div>              </div>            </div>                        <div class="col-md-12 nopadding-nomargin hide livery-collection-menu-container">              <nav class="fl livery-collection-menu" style="background:{{settings.livery_sub_menu_color}};">              	<ul class="horizontal unstyled clearfix">                    {% link in linklists.collection-menu.links %}                    {% if linklists[link.handle] == empty %}                    <li>                      <a href="{{ link.url }}" class="{% if %} current{% endif %}">                        <span>{{ link.title }}</span></a>                    </li>                    {% else %}                    <li class="dropdown"><a href="{{ link.url }}" class="{% if %} current{% endif %}">                      <span>{{ link.title }}</span></a>                      <ul class="dropdown">                        {% l in linklists[link.handle].links %}                        <li><a href="{{ l.url }}"{% if %} class="current"{% endif %}>{{ l.title }}</a></li>                        {% endfor %}                      </ul>                    </li>                    {% endif %}                    {% endfor %}                	</ul>              </nav>            </div>                         <!--end-tumblr-blog-nav-->                                    {% elsif blog.title == 'good company' %}            {{ 'changelogo.js' | asset_url | script_tag }}            <div class="col-md-12 nopadding-nomargin hidden-sm hidden-xs">              <nav class="fl livery-menu">                {% include 'dropdown-blog' %}              </nav>             </div>                        <div class="container-fluid nopadding-nomargin visible-sm visible-xs" id="cus-mob-bg">              <div class="col-md-12 nopadding-nomargin">                                <div class="container">                <div class="mobile-menu">                                                                            <div class="livery-logo text-center">                       {% if settings.use_logo %}                       <a href="/"><img src="{{ 'logoblack.png' | asset_url }}" alt="{{ }}" /></a>                       {% else %}                       <a href="/">{{ }}</a>                       {% endif %}                    </div>                                                            <div class="mobile-menu-button">                      <div class="mobile-currency-switcher hidden-xs hidden-sm">                      <a href="#"><span class="money currency-switcher">${{amount}} cad</span></a>                    	{% include 'custom-currency-picker' %}                                      	</div>                      <a href="javascript:void(0);" class="responsive-button"><i class="fa fa-bars"></i></a>                    </div>                                                       {% include 'mobile-menu-blog' %}                               	  </div>                   </div>              </div>            </div>                        {% else %}                        <!--index-nav-->            {{ 'changelogo.js' | asset_url | script_tag }}                        <div class="col-md-12 nopadding-nomargin hidden-sm hidden-xs">              <nav class="fl livery-menu">                {% include 'dropdown' %}              </nav> <!-- /.main -->            </div>                        <div class="container-fluid nopadding-nomargin visible-sm visible-xs" id="cus-mob-bg">              <div class="col-md-12 nopadding-nomargin">                                <div class="container">                <div class="mobile-menu">                    <div class="livery-logo text-center">                       {% if settings.use_logo %}                       <a href="/"><img src="{{ 'logo.png' | asset_url }}" alt="{{ }}" class="hidden-xs hidden-sm"/></a>                       <a href="/"><img src="{{ 'logoblack.png' | asset_url }}" alt="{{ }}" id="logo_center" class="visible-xs visible-sm"/></a>                       {% else %}                       <a href="/">{{ }}</a>                       {% endif %}                    </div>                                      <div class="mobile-menu-button">                      <div class="mobile-currency-switcher hidden-xs hidden-sm">                      <a href="#"><span class="money currency-switcher">${{amount}} cad</span></a>                    	{% include 'custom-currency-picker' %}                    	</div>                      <a href="javascript:void(0);" class="responsive-button"><i class="fa fa-bars"></i></a>                    </div>                                      <div id="cus-cart-target" class="toolbar-cart {% if cart.item_count != 0 %}has-items{% endif %}">                      <a href="/cart" class="cart" title="shopping cart">                        <i class="fa fa-shopping-cart livery-icon-small"></i>                      </a>                    </div>                                                     {% include 'mobile-menu' %}                </div>                   </div>              </div>            </div>                        <div class="col-md-12 nopadding-nomargin hide livery-collection-menu-container">              <nav class="fl livery-collection-menu" style="background:{{settings.livery_sub_menu_color}};">              	<ul class="horizontal unstyled clearfix">                    {% link in linklists.collection-menu.links %}                    {% if linklists[link.handle] == empty %}                    <li>                      <a href="{{ link.url }}" class="{% if %} current{% endif %}">                        <span>{{ link.title }}</span></a>                    </li>                    {% else %}                    <li class="dropdown"><a href="{{ link.url }}" class="{% if %} current{% endif %}">                      <span>{{ link.title }}</span></a>                      <ul class="dropdown">                        {% l in linklists[link.handle].links %}                        <li><a href="{{ l.url }}"{% if %} class="current"{% endif %}>{{ l.title }}</a></li>                        {% endfor %}                      </ul>                    </li>                    {% endif %}                    {% endfor %}                	</ul>              </nav>            </div>               {% endif %}          </section>        <!-- end navigation -->

why not trying adding condition sticky-target-menu , comment scroll functions out. when bar open @ top, show black logo. don't have problems when it's closed down.

if ($('.sticky-target-menu').hasclass('collection-menu-open')){     $('#logo-img img')     .css( {'height': '55px', 'position': 'relative', 'top': '10px',} )     .attr('src','');       $('.livery-search-button')               .attr('src','');  } 


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