windows phone 8.1 - Include Cordova/PhoneGap to a WP8.1 Solution -

i have app complete made using wp8.1 apis. language visualbasic (and xaml) , want add push notification using plugin called "device push notification" (dpn) it's available cordova/phonegap cli.

the documentation of dpn says windows phone supported using phonegap, started learn cordova/phonegap, thing can't find information how include phonegap app part of app. want add phonegap's app plugin of actual app. need plugin in special? or have write app again using cordova/phonegap api?

you traditionally build entire app in phonegap/cordova.

however, if create new blank phonegap/cordova application, , add plugin application, can see source code of buried underneath plugins folder, , can maybe give starting point utilizing logic push notification plugin does.


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