vb.net - VB2008 event works like the Onchange or Afterchange events? -

i'm trying display information of sale bill depending on it's barcode after writing barcode press enter other information should loaded ... problem event use enter barcode!

i tried textchanged,enter,keydown-up-press , tooo many events, useless because not give me chance complete writing full barcode !! start checking data every single key press, work if paste barcode on textbox, not me need write barcode not paste :(

i did searches couldn't solve problem :( plz :(

 private sub barcode_textchanged(byval sender object, byval e system.eventargs)      dim cnn new oledb.oledbconnection     dim rst new oledb.oledbdataadapter     dim sql string     dim dt new datatable     dim lsp new oledb.oledbcommand     cnn.connectionstring = "provider=microsoft.jet.oledb.4.0; data source=" & application.startuppath & "\database9.mdb"     cnn.open()     sql = "select materialname store code='" & barcode.text & "'"     rst = new oledb.oledbdataadapter(sql, cnn)     rst.fill(dt)      matname.text = dt.rows(0).item("materialname")     lsp = new oledb.oledbcommand("select last(saleprice)from store code='" & barcode.text & "'", cnn)     dim sp integer = lsp.executescalar     sprice.text = sp     qty.text = 1     totalmat.text = sprice.text * qty.text     listview1.items(0).text = matname.text     listview1.items(0).subitems(1).text = qty.text     listview1.items(0).subitems(2).text = val(sprice.text * qty.text)    end sub 


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