javascript - Getting Grunt.js to run node.js module -

i have written node.js module can run either file using 'require' or running node copyright.update() terminal. i'm happy functionality , works in both cases. want able run gruntfile.js.

currently grunt file looks this:

module.exports = function(grunt) {      grunt.initconfig({          "update-copyright": {             "run": true         }     });      grunt.task.loadtasks('./runner'); }; 

and script in runner directory looks this:

var copyright = require('./update-copyright');  module.exports = function(grunt) {      grunt.registermultitask('update-copyright', 'update copyright headers', function() {         var done = this.async();         copyright.update(done);     }); }; 

when run 'grunt update-copright' usual done, without errors nothing has been executed. i'm sure i'm missing simple. appreciated!

thanks comment igor raush got run with:

var copyright = require('./update-copyright');  module.exports = function(grunt) {      grunt.registermultitask('update-copyright', 'update copyright headers', function() {         var done = this.async();         copyright.update(done);     }); }; 


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