go - Golang: CSS files are being sent with Content-Type: text/plain -

i have looked around , haven't found specific after. building api using go's standard library. when serving resource files, css files sent text/plain when wanting send text/css.

the console throws info message @ me saying:

resource interpreted stylesheet transferred mime type text/plain: "http://localhost:3000/css/app.css".


package main  import (     "bufio"     "log"     "net/http"     "os"     "strings"     "text/template" )  func main() {     templates := populatetemplates()      http.handlefunc("/",         func(w http.responsewriter, req *http.request) {             requestedfile := req.url.path[1:]             template := templates.lookup(requestedfile + ".html")              if template != nil {                 template.execute(w, nil)             } else {                 w.writeheader(404)             }         })      http.handlefunc("/img/", serveresource)     http.handlefunc("/css/", serveresource)      log.fatal(http.listenandserve(":3000", nil)) }  func serveresource(w http.responsewriter, req *http.request) {     path := "public" + req.url.path     var contenttype string     if strings.hassuffix(path, ".css") {         contenttype = "text/css"     } else if strings.hassuffix(path, ".png") {         contenttype = "image/png"     } else {         contenttype = "text/plain"     }      f, err := os.open(path)      if err == nil {         defer f.close()         w.header().add("content type", contenttype)          br := bufio.newreader(f)         br.writeto(w)     } else {         w.writeheader(404)     } }  func populatetemplates() *template.template {     result := template.new("templates")      basepath := "templates"     templatefolder, _ := os.open(basepath)     defer templatefolder.close()      templatepathraw, _ := templatefolder.readdir(-1)      templatepaths := new([]string)     _, pathinfo := range templatepathraw {         if !pathinfo.isdir() {             *templatepaths = append(*templatepaths,                 basepath+"/"+pathinfo.name())         }     }      result.parsefiles(*templatepaths...)      return result } 

i believe sending text/css. seeing wrong?

the application missing "-" in content type header name. change code to:

    w.header().add("content-type", contenttype) 


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