javascript - ui route, node, express, 404 html files -

i can't figure out life of me. i'm using node, express, angular , ui.route. i'm trying accomplish following,

  • have index.html master
  • have some.html partials

i setup application use ejs instead of jade (don't know if matters @ all)? error i'm getting can't find localhost:3000/views/partial-home.html 404, tried types of different paths in routing,

(function(){    var app = angular.module('routerapp', ['ui.router']);      app.config(function($stateprovider, $urlrouterprovider) {           $urlrouterprovider.otherwise('/about');            $stateprovider             .state('home-about', {                 url: '/home-about',                 templateurl: '/views/partial-home.html'              })             .state('about', {              });        });     }()); 

i not have particular in app.js file handle html or in route/index.js, think it's using index.ejs well. steps missing in using html , why error not finding partial-home.html

//routes/index.js     var express = require('express');     var router = express.router();      /* home page. */     router.get('/', function(req, res, next) {       res.render('index', { title: 'express' });     });      module.exports = router;  

there posts topic none kinda sums 2 issues using html files , why 404. appreciate can get. thanks!

you still need 'mount' router app.

app.use('/', router); 

the router relative path mount to, in case root /. can mount path , router relative path. e.g.

app.use('/bar', router); 

and router 'mini-app' invoked when application gets (or other http method) /bar/ path.


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