wpf - Caching MEF Components -

is there way cache mef components graph per-application startup (wpf), maf avoid discovering directories , constructing components graph every application startup. in order speed application startup. maf uses addinsstore store addins, when new addin discovred store rebuilt , saved again. possible modular application designed mef?


in project architecture have extension, modules , managed services have different exports like(iextension, imodule, imanagedservice), , handling start dependencies of components, want precisely ex(the extensions directory) contains many dlls , may not dlls contains (exports/imports) because of dlls references extensions. default discovering behavior of mef searching exports/imports in assemblies in extension directory, want modify behavior looking @ first time dlls , catch types , names , dlls use them in next startup time. catch directly load components(exports) mef know available components , places without loading , searching dlls. seems dictionary of exports , places , dependencies instance directly places(dll).

i dont know if 100%, code, im controlling load-order of modules.

if can control load-order, might able put *.dll's in same folder , save time, finding them in subfolders:

the key usage of additional attribute: [exportmetadata("order", 1)]

then plugin should :

 [export(typeof(yourcontract))]   [exportmetadata("order", 1)]   public class yourplugin: yourcontract{} 

to things loaded in right order, need this:


public interface iordermetadata {     [defaultvalue(int.maxvalue)]     int order {       get;     }   } 


 public class adaptingcollection<t, m> : icollection<lazy<t, m>>, inotifycollectionchanged {     /// <summary>     /// constructor</summary>     public adaptingcollection()         : this(null) {     }      /// <summary>     /// constructor</summary>     /// <param name="adaptor">function apply items in collection</param>     public adaptingcollection(func<ienumerable<lazy<t, m>>, ienumerable<lazy<t, m>>> adaptor) {       this._madaptor = adaptor;     }      /// <summary>     /// collectionchanged event inotifycollectionchanged</summary>     public event notifycollectionchangedeventhandler collectionchanged;      /// <summary>     /// force adaptor function run again</summary>     public void reapplyadaptor() {       if (this._madapteditems == null) return;       this._madapteditems = null;       this.oncollectionchanged(new notifycollectionchangedeventargs(notifycollectionchangedaction.reset));     }      #region icollection implementation      /// <summary>     /// returns whether item present in collection</summary>     /// <remarks>accessors work directly against adapted collection</remarks>     /// <param name="item">item for</param>     /// <returns>true if item in collection</returns>     public bool contains(lazy<t, m> item) {       return this.adapteditems.contains(item);     }      /// <summary>     /// copies entire list one-dimensional array, starting @ specified index of target array</summary>     /// <remarks>accessors work directly against adapted collection</remarks>     /// <param name="array">the target array</param>     /// <param name="arrayindex">the starting index</param>     public void copyto(lazy<t, m>[] array, int arrayindex) {       this.adapteditems.copyto(array, arrayindex);     }      /// <summary>     /// gets number of items in collection</summary>     /// <remarks>accessors work directly against adapted collection</remarks>     public int count => this.adapteditems.count;      /// <summary>     /// gets whether collection read only.</summary>     /// <remarks>accessors work directly against adapted collection</remarks>     public bool isreadonly => false;      /// <summary>     /// gets enumerator collection</summary>     /// <remarks>accessors work directly against adapted collection</remarks>     /// <returns>the ienumerator</returns>     public ienumerator<lazy<t, m>> getenumerator() {       return this.adapteditems.getenumerator();     }      ienumerator ienumerable.getenumerator() {       return this.getenumerator();     }      /// <summary>     /// add item collection</summary>     /// <remarks>mutation methods work against complete collection , force     /// reset of adapted collection</remarks>     /// <param name="item">the item add</param>     public void add(lazy<t, m> item) {       this._mallitems.add(item);       this.reapplyadaptor();     }      /// <summary>     /// clear items collection</summary>     /// <remarks>mutation methods work against complete collection , force     /// reset of adapted collection</remarks>     public void clear() {       this._mallitems.clear();       this.reapplyadaptor();     }      /// <summary>     /// remove item collection</summary>     /// <remarks>mutation methods work against complete collection , force     /// reset of adapted collection</remarks>     /// <param name="item">the item remove</param>     /// <returns>true if item found, otherwise false</returns>     public bool remove(lazy<t, m> item) {       bool removed = this._mallitems.remove(item);       this.reapplyadaptor();       return removed;     }      #endregion      /// <summary>     /// invoke adaptor function on collection</summary>     /// <param name="collection">the collection adapt</param>     /// <returns>the adapted collection</returns>     protected virtual ienumerable<lazy<t, m>> adapt(ienumerable<lazy<t, m>> collection) {       if (this._madaptor != null) {         return this._madaptor.invoke(collection);       }        return collection;     }      /// <summary>     /// fire collectionchanged event</summary>     /// <param name="e">event args</param>     protected virtual void oncollectionchanged(notifycollectionchangedeventargs e) {       this.collectionchanged?.invoke(this, e);     }      private list<lazy<t, m>> adapteditems => this._madapteditems ?? (this._madapteditems = this.adapt(this._mallitems).tolist());      private readonly list<lazy<t, m>> _mallitems = new list<lazy<t, m>>();     private readonly func<ienumerable<lazy<t, m>>, ienumerable<lazy<t, m>>> _madaptor;     private list<lazy<t, m>> _madapteditems;    } 


public class orderingcollection<t, m> : adaptingcollection<t, m> {     /// <summary>     /// constructor</summary>     /// <param name="keyselector">key selector function</param>     /// <param name="descending">true sort in descending order</param>     public orderingcollection(func<lazy<t, m>, object> keyselector, bool descending = false)         : base(e => descending ? e.orderbydescending(keyselector) : e.orderby(keyselector)) {     }   } 


[importmany(typeof(yourcontract), allowrecomposition = true)]      internal orderingcollection<yourcontract, iordermetadata> plugins{       get; private set;     } 

in constructor:

this.plugins= new orderingcollection<itemplatemapper, iordermetadata>(                            lazyrule => lazyrule.metadata.order); 

my loading-code (might differ yours):

private void loadmodules() {       var aggregatecatalog = new aggregatecatalog();       aggregatecatalog.catalogs.add(new directorycatalog(".", "*.plugin.*.dll"));       var container = new compositioncontainer(aggregatecatalog);       container.composeparts(this);          } 

i hope might rid of maf


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