ios - How can I add data to core data using one-to-many relationship? -

i wanting add day week record. have setup entities , relationship within xcode unsure on next step.

am right in thinking need manually set automatically generated foreign key field?

currently save code dat follow:

    if let managedobjectcontext = (uiapplication.sharedapplication().delegate as? appdelegate)?.managedobjectcontext{         day = nsentitydescription.insertnewobjectforentityforname("days", inmanagedobjectcontext: managedobjectcontext) as! days = text!         day.restday = restday          do{             try             print("saved day sqlite")         } catch {             print(error)             return         }     } 

model(s) enter image description here

if auto-generated code model (by letting xcode create subclasses of nsmanagedobject), you're set. need have instance of weeks available (say, parameter function) when creating days instance, , add line before saving context:

day.dayweek = week // assuming 'week' existing instance of weeks 

this add weeks instance days instance, , automatically add days instance (un)ordered set of days in same weeks instance.


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