c# - AES pads byte array with \0 when decrypting -

whenever decrypt file end \0 in between each character (this text file) original fine, , decryption successful without errors.

when open file ; "hello" become "h\0e\0l\0..."

here decryption function: (i came fix of converting byte array utf8 manually removing nulls, not solution. )

public static void decryptfiletofile(string fromfile, string tofile, byte[] key) {     byte[] encryptedfile = io.convertfiletobyte(fromfile);      using (aes aesalg = aes.create())     {         byte[] dataiv = encryptedfile.take(16).toarray(); //first 16 bytes iv         byte[] encrypteddata = encryptedfile.skip(16).take(encryptedfile.length-16).toarray();         aesalg.key = key;         using (var decryptor = aesalg.createdecryptor(key, dataiv))         {             byte[] final =  performcryptography(decryptor, encrypteddata);             string result = system.text.encoding.utf8.getstring(final);             result = result.replace("\0", string.empty);             io.writestringtofile(result,tofile);         }     } } private static byte[] performcryptography(icryptotransform cryptotransform, byte[] data) {     using (var memorystream = new memorystream())     {         using (var cryptostream = new cryptostream(memorystream, cryptotransform, cryptostreammode.write))         {             cryptostream.write(data, 0, data.length);             cryptostream.flushfinalblock();             return memorystream.toarray();         }     } } 

to encrypt:

public static void encryptfiletofile(string fromfile, string tofile, byte[] key){              byte[] original = io.convertfiletobyte(fromfile);              using (aes aesalg = aes.create())             {                 aesalg.generateiv();                 aesalg.key = key;                 using (var encryptor = aesalg.createencryptor(key, aesalg.iv))                 {                     byte[] encrypteddata =  performcryptography(encryptor, original);                     byte[] final = combine(aesalg.iv,encrypteddata);                     io.writebytetofile(final, tofile);                 }              }         } 


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