owl - Protege inconsistent ontologies warning -

followed intro youtube.com/playlist?list=plea0wjq13cnafcc0azrcyqucn_tpeljn1 create ontology. little reduced http://prntscr.com/bo4l3w , added canbetutor (meaning can become tutor somebody) object property on own. far understand, can add swrl rules , launch reasoner create new knowledge. added prntscr.com/bo4lk7 . started hermit reasoner prntscr.com/bo4lqx . obtained inconsistent ontologies warning prntscr.com/bo4lu0 . clicked explain button , got following explanation http://prntscr.com/bo4lyg . onto here synoparser.ru/onto/protege.owl 1. please tell mean? 2. general understanding. read reasoner can create new knowledge. mean relations, or individuals , classes? 3. can find readoner added knowledge in protege 5 ?

the explanation in 1 of figures provided explains inconsistency. ontology says that

  • the classes student , lecturer , disjoint (that is, no individual can both student , lecturer)
  • the domain of studies student, means if x studies y, x student
  • the domain of firstname lecturer, means if x firstname y, x lecturer

now, since student1 has firstname andrew, student1 must lecturer. since student1 studies cs101, student1 must student. student , lecturer disjoint; no individual can both. student1 both. that's inconsistency.


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