d3.js - Having trouble converting a D3 v3 Force Directed graph into D3 v4 library implementation? -

i've created first force directed graph using v3 library, i'm required create same graph using d3 version 4 library, methods have changed tremendously in v4, , i'm getting error @ force()/drag() methods of 3 not exist in v4.

my graph based on following mockup - http://www.ourd3js.com/wordpress/?p=606

is there repository of samples have been created in v4 library of d3 someplace can take , learn few functions can replace particular chart?


my current code looks this, i'm not able convert completely, example, node links close text of links , nodes overlapping.

<svg width="960" height="600"></svg> 

javascript code:

var svg = d3.select("svg"),     width = +svg.attr("width"),     height = +svg.attr("height");  var graph = root;  var w = window,     d = document,     e = d.documentelement,     g = d.getelementsbytagname('body')[0],     x = w.innerwidth || e.clientwidth || g.clientwidth,     y = w.innerheight|| e.clientheight|| g.clientheight;  var width = x; var height = y; var img_w = 24; var img_h = 24; var k = math.sqrt(root.nodes.length / (width * height));  var simulation = d3.forcesimulation()     .force("link", d3.forcelink().id(function(d) { return d.id; }))     .force("charge", d3.forcemanybody().strength(-5 / k))     .force("center", d3.forcecenter(width / 2, height / 2));    var link = svg.append("g")                 .attr("class", "links")                 .selectall("line")                 .data(graph.links)                 .enter().append("line");      var node = svg.append("g")                     .attr("class", "nodes")                     .selectall("circle")                     .data(graph.nodes)                     .enter().append("image")                             .attr("width",img_w)                             .attr("height",img_h)                             .attr("xlink:href",function(d){                                 return d.image;                             })                             .call(d3.drag()                     .on("start", dragstarted)                     .on("drag", dragged)                     .on("end", dragended));      var links_text = svg.selectall(".linetext")                         .data(graph.links)                         .enter()                         .append("text")                         .attr("class","linetext slds-text-heading--small")                         .attr("text-anchor", "middle")                         .text(function(d){                             return '['+d.relation+']';                         });      var nodes_text = svg.selectall(".nodetext")                         .data(graph.nodes)                         .enter()                         .append("text")                         .attr("class","nodetext slds-text-heading--label")                         .attr("text-anchor", "middle")                         .attr("dx",-20)                         .attr("dy",20)                         .text(function(d){                             return (d.subname!=''?(d.subname+': '):'')+d.name;                         });    simulation       .nodes(graph.nodes)       .on("tick", ticked);    simulation.force("link")             .links(graph.links);    function ticked() {     link         .attr("x1", function(d) { return d.source.x; })         .attr("y1", function(d) { return d.source.y; })         .attr("x2", function(d) { return d.target.x; })         .attr("y2", function(d) { return d.target.y; });      links_text         .attr("x",function(d){ return (d.source.x + d.target.x) / 2; })         .attr("y",function(d){ return (d.source.y + d.target.y) / 2; });      node         .attr("x", function(d) { return d.x; })         .attr("y", function(d) { return d.y; });      nodes_text         .attr("x",function(d){ return d.x + 20 })         .attr("y",function(d){ return d.y + img_w/2; });   }   function dragstarted(d) {   if (!d3.event.active) simulation.alphatarget(0.3).restart();   d.fx = d.x;   d.fy = d.y; }  function dragged(d) {   d.fx = d3.event.x;   d.fy = d3.event.y; }  function dragended(d) {   if (!d3.event.active) simulation.alphatarget(0);   d.fx = null;   d.fy = null; } 

the json data string:

  var root = {   "nodes" : [ {     "subname" : "",     "name" : "telco power case",     "image" : "/node32.png",     "id" : 0   }, {     "subname" : "contact",     "name" : "suman kumar",     "image" : "/subnode32.png.png",     "id" : 1   }, {     "subname" : "contact",     "name" : "karla samuel",     "image" : "/subnode32.png.png",     "id" : 2   }, {     "subname" : "account",     "name" : "signa tech",     "image" : "/subnode32.png.png",     "id" : 3   }, {     "subname" : "",     "name" : "maven's case",     "image" : "/node32.png",     "id" : 4   }, {     "subname" : "",     "name" : "delta case",     "image" : "/node32.png",     "id" : 5   }, {     "subname" : "contact",     "name" : "t browney",     "image" : "/subnode32.png.png",     "id" : 6   }, {     "subname" : "account",     "name" : "presto",     "image" : "/subnode32.png.png",     "id" : 7   }, {     "subname" : "contact",     "name" : "bob tannenbaum",     "image" : "/subnode32.png.png",     "id" : 8   }, {     "subname" : "account",     "name" : "tesla power",     "image" : "/subnode32.png.png",     "id" : 9   } ],   "links" : [ {     "target" : 1,     "source" : 0,     "relation" : "trainee"   }, {     "target" : 2,     "source" : 0,     "relation" : "manager"   }, {     "target" : 3,     "source" : 0,     "relation" : "technology"   }, {     "target" : 1,     "source" : 0,     "relation" : "trainee"   }, {     "target" : 2,     "source" : 0,     "relation" : "manager"   }, {     "target" : 3,     "source" : 0,     "relation" : "technology"   }, {     "target" : 2,     "source" : 4,     "relation" : "expert"   }, {     "target" : 2,     "source" : 5,     "relation" : "expert"   }, {     "target" : 1,     "source" : 5,     "relation" : "expert"   }, {     "target" : 6,     "source" : 5,     "relation" : "trainee"   }, {     "target" : 7,     "source" : 5,     "relation" : "technology;new firm"   }, {     "target" : 8,     "source" : 4,     "relation" : "expert"   }, {     "target" : 9,     "source" : 4,     "relation" : "new firm"   }, {     "target" : 8,     "source" : 4,     "relation" : "expert"   }, {     "target" : 9,     "source" : 4,     "relation" : "new firm"   }, {     "target" : 6,     "source" : 5,     "relation" : "trainee"   }, {     "target" : 7,     "source" : 5,     "relation" : "technology;new firm"   } ] }; 

you asking flurry of questions @ once, let's little sanity on question.

first, linkdistance distance on d3.forcelink, in code:

.force("link", d3.forcelink().id(function(d) { return d.id; }).distance(200)) 

second, center image, when set it's x position:

node   .attr("x", function(d) {     return (d.x - img_w /2);   }); 

third, boundary detection need implement yourself. example, fix nodes position (building on last code snippet):

node   .attr("x", function(d) {     var xpos = (d.x - img_w /2);     if (xpos < 0) return 0;     if (xpos > (960 - img_w)) return (960 - img_w);     return xpos;   })   .attr("y", function(d) {     var ypos = d.y;     if (ypos < 0) return 0;     if (ypos > (600 - img_h)) return (600 - img_h);     return ypos;   }); 

now apply same methodology links...

here's example code i've started implement fixes:

<!doctype html>  <html>    <head>    <script data-require="d3@4.0.0" data-semver="4.0.0" src="https://d3js.org/d3.v4.min.js"></script>    <style>      .links line {        stroke: #aaa;      }            .nodes circle {        pointer-events: all;        stroke: none;        stroke-width: 40px;      }    </style>  </head>    <body>    <svg width="960" height="600"></svg>    <script>      var root = {        "nodes": [{          "subname": "",          "name": "telco power case",          "image": "http://lorempixel.com/24/24/",          "id": 0        }, {          "subname": "contact",          "name": "suman kumar",          "image": "http://lorempixel.com/24/24/",          "id": 1        }, {          "subname": "contact",          "name": "karla samuel",          "image": "http://lorempixel.com/24/24/",          "id": 2        }, {          "subname": "account",          "name": "signa tech",          "image": "http://lorempixel.com/24/24/",          "id": 3        }, {          "subname": "",          "name": "maven's case",          "image": "http://lorempixel.com/24/24/",          "id": 4        }, {          "subname": "",          "name": "delta case",          "image": "http://lorempixel.com/24/24/",          "id": 5        }, {          "subname": "contact",          "name": "t browney",          "image": "http://lorempixel.com/24/24/",          "id": 6        }, {          "subname": "account",          "name": "presto",          "image": "http://lorempixel.com/24/24/",          "id": 7        }, {          "subname": "contact",          "name": "bob tannenbaum",          "image": "http://lorempixel.com/24/24/",          "id": 8        }, {          "subname": "account",          "name": "tesla power",          "image": "http://lorempixel.com/24/24/",          "id": 9        }],        "links": [{          "target": 1,          "source": 0,          "relation": "trainee"        }, {          "target": 2,          "source": 0,          "relation": "manager"        }, {          "target": 3,          "source": 0,          "relation": "technology"        }, {          "target": 1,          "source": 0,          "relation": "trainee"        }, {          "target": 2,          "source": 0,          "relation": "manager"        }, {          "target": 3,          "source": 0,          "relation": "technology"        }, {          "target": 2,          "source": 4,          "relation": "expert"        }, {          "target": 2,          "source": 5,          "relation": "expert"        }, {          "target": 1,          "source": 5,          "relation": "expert"        }, {          "target": 6,          "source": 5,          "relation": "trainee"        }, {          "target": 7,          "source": 5,          "relation": "technology;new firm"        }, {          "target": 8,          "source": 4,          "relation": "expert"        }, {          "target": 9,          "source": 4,          "relation": "new firm"        }, {          "target": 8,          "source": 4,          "relation": "expert"        }, {          "target": 9,          "source": 4,          "relation": "new firm"        }, {          "target": 6,          "source": 5,          "relation": "trainee"        }, {          "target": 7,          "source": 5,          "relation": "technology;new firm"        }]      };        var svg = d3.select("svg"),        width = +svg.attr("width"),        height = +svg.attr("height");        var graph = root;        var w = window,        d = document,        e = d.documentelement,        g = d.getelementsbytagname('body')[0],        x = w.innerwidth || e.clientwidth || g.clientwidth,        y = w.innerheight || e.clientheight || g.clientheight;        var realwidth = width;      var width = x;      var height = y;      var img_w = 24;      var img_h = 24;      var k = math.sqrt(root.nodes.length / (width * height));        var simulation = d3.forcesimulation()        .force("link", d3.forcelink().id(function(d) {          return d.id;        }).distance(200))        .force("charge", d3.forcemanybody().strength(-5 / k))        .force("center", d3.forcecenter(width / 2, height / 2));        var link = svg.append("g")        .attr("class", "links")        .selectall("line")        .data(graph.links)        .enter().append("line");        var node = svg.append("g")        .attr("class", "nodes")        .selectall("circle")        .data(graph.nodes)        .enter().append("image")        .attr("width", img_w)        .attr("height", img_h)        .attr("xlink:href", function(d) {          return d.image;        })        .call(d3.drag()          .on("start", dragstarted)          .on("drag", dragged)          .on("end", dragended));        var links_text = svg.selectall(".linetext")        .data(graph.links)        .enter()        .append("text")        .attr("class", "linetext slds-text-heading--small")        .attr("text-anchor", "middle")        .text(function(d) {          return '[' + d.relation + ']';        });        var nodes_text = svg.selectall(".nodetext")        .data(graph.nodes)        .enter()        .append("text")        .attr("class", "nodetext slds-text-heading--label")        .attr("text-anchor", "middle")        .attr("dx", -20)        .attr("dy", 20)        .text(function(d) {          return (d.subname != '' ? (d.subname + ': ') : '') + d.name;        });        simulation        .nodes(graph.nodes)        .on("tick", ticked);        simulation.force("link")        .links(graph.links);        function ticked() {        link          .attr("x1", function(d) {            var xpos = d.source.x;            if (xpos < 0) return 0;            if (xpos > (960 - img_w)) return (960 - img_w);            return xpos;          })          .attr("y1", function(d) {            var ypos = d.source.y;            if (ypos < 0) return 0;            if (ypos > (600 - img_h)) return (600 - img_h);            return ypos;          })          .attr("x2", function(d) {            var xpos = d.target.x;            if (xpos < 0) return 0;            if (xpos > (960 - img_w)) return (960 - img_w);            return xpos;          })          .attr("y2", function(d) {            var ypos = d.target.y;            if (ypos < 0) return 0;            if (ypos > (600 - img_h)) return (600 - img_h);            return ypos;          });          links_text          .attr("x", function(d) {            var xpos = (d.source.x + d.target.x) / 2;            if (xpos < 0) return 0;            if (xpos > (960 - img_w)) return (960 - img_w);            return xpos;          })          .attr("y", function(d) {            var ypos = (d.source.y + d.target.y) / 2;            if (ypos < 0) return 0;            if (ypos > (600 - img_h)) return (600 - img_h);            return ypos;          });            node          .attr("x", function(d) {            var xpos = (d.x - img_w /2);            if (xpos < 0) return 0;            if (xpos > (960 - img_w)) return (960 - img_w);            return xpos;          })          .attr("y", function(d) {            var ypos = d.y;            if (ypos < 0) return 0;            if (ypos > (600 - img_h)) return (600 - img_h);            return ypos;          });          nodes_text          .attr("x", function(d) {            return d.x + 20          })          .attr("y", function(d) {            return d.y + img_w / 2;          });      }          function dragstarted(d) {        if (!d3.event.active) simulation.alphatarget(0.3).restart();        d.fx = d.x;        d.fy = d.y;      }        function dragged(d) {        d.fx = d3.event.x;        d.fy = d3.event.y;      }        function dragended(d) {        if (!d3.event.active) simulation.alphatarget(0);        d.fx = null;        d.fy = null;      }    </script>  </body>    </html>


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