c# - List<CustomClass> sent as List<T>; how to get the properties? -

i have piece of code

 public class ticket     {         public string strarticleid { get; set; }         public string strarticledescription { get; set; }         public decimal decarticleprice { get; set; }         public decimal decarticlevat { get; set; }         public decimal decarticulenetprice { get; set; }         public decimal decarticlediscount { get; set; }         public decimal decarticlequantity { get; set; }      }     public static list<ticket> _lstcurrentticket = new list<ticket>(); 

that want send external dll lines in _lstcurrentticket print ticket through

for (int = 0; < datagridview1.rows.count; i++)         {             ticket ticket = new ticket();              string strrefid = this.datagridview1.rows[i].cells[0].value.tostring();             string strdescription = this.datagridview1.rows[i].cells[1].value.tostring();             decimal decquantity = (decimal)this.datagridview1.rows[i].cells[2].value;             decimal decuprice = (decimal)this.datagridview1.rows[i].cells[3].value;             decimal decdiscount = convert.todecimal(this.datagridview1.rows[i].cells[4].value.tostring().substring(0, this.datagridview1.rows[i].cells[4].value.tostring().length - 1));             decimal decvat = convert.todecimal(this.datagridview1.rows[i].cells[5].value.tostring().substring(0, this.datagridview1.rows[i].cells[5].value.tostring().length - 1));             decimal decgprice = (decimal)this.datagridview1.rows[i].cells[6].value;               ticket.strarticleid = strrefid;             ticket.strarticledescription = strdescription;             ticket.decarticleprice = decuprice;             ticket.decarticlevat = decvat;             ticket.decarticulenetprice = decgprice;             ticket.decarticlediscount = decdiscount;             ticket.decarticlequantity = decquantity;              _lstcurrentticket.add(ticket);         }    ticketprinting tktprint = new ticketprinting ();  //ticket , copies  tktprint.printticketfromlist(_lstcurrentticket, 2); 

since external dll, thought easiest way work in target dll was

 public void printticketfromlist<t>(list<t> lstarticles, short intcopies)     {                     foreach (var prop in lstarticles.gettype().getproperties())         {              if (prop.name == "item")             {                 //copy external list local class printing              }         }... 

but i'm stuck there. how can iterate each property , value each original class in list can copy it? if make breakpoint can see fields , values correctly passed, not how access them can creating local class original , clone list (and if try local list(ticket) , passed list(t) not same type).

or how copy if create exact class in target , like

public void printticketfromlist(object lstarticles, short intcopies)     {         list<targetdllticket> lst =((list<targetdllticket>)lstarticles).tolist(); } 

any thoughts?

if @ point possible should try avoid reflection igor in answer.

but if want use reflection not inspecting item list of items.

you should try (writing memory):

public void printticketfromlist<t>(list<t> lstarticles, short intcopies) {        foreach (var item in lstarticles)     {         foreach (var prop in typeof(t).getproperties())         {             var value = prop.getvalue(item);         }     } } 


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