java - 'Void' type not allowed here error -

this question has answer here:

import java.util.scanner; import java.util.arraylist; public class onlinestore {     string[] books = {         "intro java", "intro c++", "intro c++", "perl"     };     string[] dvds = {         "snow white", "cinderella", "dumbo", "bambi"     };     double[] booksprices = {         45.99, 89.34, 100.00, 25.0     };     double[] dvdsprices = {         19.99, 24.99, 17.99, 21.99     };     arraylist < string > cartitems = new arraylist < > ();     arraylist < double > prices = new arraylist < > ();     java.util.scanner input = new scanner(system. in );     int userchoice;     public void displaymenu() {         system.out.printf("**welcome mustangs books , dvds store**/n/n" + "choose following options:/n1 - browse books inventory" + "and add book cart/n2 - browse dvds inventory , add" + "a dvd cart/n3 - view cart/n4 - checkout/n9 - canel order" + "and exit store");     }     public static void displayarrays(string[] itemsarray, double[] pricesarray, string itemtype) {         system.out.printf("inventory number    itemtype     prices" + "------------------------------------------" + " 1" + itemsarray[0] + pricesarray[0] + " 2" + itemsarray[1] + pricesarray[1] + " 3" + itemsarray[2] + pricesarray[2] + " 4" + itemsarray[3] + pricesarray[3]);     }     public void gettotal(arraylist < double > prices) {         double total = 0;         double taxtotal;         double tax;         int i;         (i = 0; < prices.size(); i++) {             total += prices.get(i);         }         tax = total * .825;         taxtotal = tax + total;         system.out.print("your total " + taxtotal);     }     public int getinventorynumber() {         system.out.print("enter inventory number wish purchase or enter -1 if wish see menu: ");         userchoice = input.nextint();         if (userchoice == -1) {             displaymenu();         }         int correctnumber = userchoice - 1;         return correctnumber;     }     public string displayarrays(arraylist < string > items, arraylist < double > prices) {         int i;         system.out.print("items         prices" + "----------------------");         (i = 0; < items.size(); i++)         system.out.printf("%d%s%f", i, items.get(i), prices.get(i));         system.out.print("---------------------- \n" + "total + tax" + gettotal(prices));     }     public void addtocart(int inventorynumber, arraylist < string > cart, string[] inventory) {         cart.add(inventory[inventorynumber]);     }     public void cancelorder(arraylist < string > cartitems, arraylist < double > prices) {         cartitems.clear();         prices.clear();     }     public void main(string[] args) {         int userinput;         {             displaymenu();             userinput = input.nextint();             if (userinput != 1 && userinput != 2 && userinput != 3 && userinput != 4 && userinput != 9) {                 system.out.println("this option not acceptable.");             } else if (userinput == 1) {                 displayarrays(books, booksprices, "books");                 int correctnumber = getinventorynumber();                 addtocart(correctnumber, cartitems, books);             } else if (userinput == 2) {                 displayarrays(dvds, dvdsprices, "dvds");                 getinventorynumber();                 int correctnumber = getinventorynumber();                 addtocart(correctnumber, cartitems, dvds);             } else if (userinput == 3) {                 displayarrays(cartitems, prices);             } else if (userinput == 4) {                 gettotal(prices);             } else {                 cancelorder(cartitems, prices);             }         }         while (userinput != 9);     } } 

on line 59, error "'void' type not allowed". i'm not sure how fix this, , i'd appreciate help. understand how void cannot have return, i'm bit lost on why happening.

the line in question one:

system.out.print("---------------------- \n" +                 "total + tax" + gettotal(prices)); 

the reason you're getting error gettotal isn't returning anything.

public void gettotal(arraylist <double> prices) { 

if want gettotal return something, might change signature to..

public double gettotal(arraylist <double> prices) { 

and adjust end of function appropriately. (add return statement)


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