angularjs - Private video via REST api -

hi i'm trying implement auth protected audio/video stream in angular app via rest api. goal secure audio/video not shared other not logged users. tried single use token flow looks this:

  • angular ask single use token after click play button post: file/1/token
  • angular token , paste token url ?token=...
  • stream request send server get: file/1?token=...
  • server checks token , removes database
  • if token right stream begin

the problem came when click on timeline stream not buffered yet browser automatically sends request of course unauthorized because token has been removed.

i want keep api stateless see kind of state forced html media.

i love hear hints or solutions on problem.

problem solved now. maybe it's not best solution covers requirements. decided use session breaks rest principles works.

now getting token before post: file/1/token

getting file provided token get: file/1?token=...

the difference in controller open new php session, save token session , remove database. able check whether token in database or in session.

so if send link other people don't have access. have access long token in php session.


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