sql - How to copy data -

i want create stored procedure copy data 3 tables. these structure of 3 tables:

quotes quote_id integer, note varchar(50) 

quote_id primary key , auto incremented using trigger

windows win_id integer, quote_id integer 

win_id primary key (auto incremented using trigger) , quote_id here fk quotes table

win_links links_id integer, win_id integer, linked_win_id integer, edge_name varchar(30) 

links_id primary key (auto incremented using trigger) , both win_id , linked_win_id fk windows table.

i created sp this:

create or alter procedure copy_quote_proc (     p_quote_id integer) declare variable v_last_inserted_quote_id integer; declare variable v_old_win_id integer; begin   insert quotes (note) select note quotes quotes.quote_id = :p_quote_id returning quote_id :v_last_inserted_quote_id;  select win_id windows   (windows.quote_id = :p_quote_id)     :v_old_win_id   begin     insert windows (quote_id) select :v_last_inserted_quote_id windows win_id = :v_old_win_id end 

the third table used link windows within 1 quote example win_id = 5 , linked_win_id = 6 record may have same window linked different window example win_id = 5 , linked_win_id = 7 , on.

now how copy third table win_links point correctly newly copied windows ?


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