c# - paypal payments pro test credit cards fail -

trying use paypal payments pro hosted pages accept credit cards on web site. i'm having trouble getting test credit cards work, give error:

declined: 10544-please use different payment card.

i'm not using shopping cart or making direct api calls, testing paypal payments pro asp.net c# sample paypal, this:

posts credentials https://pilot-payflowpro.paypal.com , gets secure token posts secure token https://pilot-payflowlink.paypal.com display checkout page

when enter visa test 4111111111111111 exp 12/19 or other test credit card above error.

in sandbox no transactions recorded.

what have done, following documentation:

i have paypal payments pro account following settings:

paypal payments pro live

hosted checkout pages live

payflow sdk/api (full access) live

paypal express checkout live

i linked business paypal account manager.paypal.com

i upgraded sandbox account on developer.paypal.com - there 2 there, business , personal, upgraded business sandbox account business pro believe links payments pro account(?).

setup hosted pages in manager.paypal.com per documentation, set use secure token yes.

set site live - did because posting 'pilot-' urls. had on test (which means can use normal urls) due error , post read set site live , used pilot, no change.

so seems working except test numbers supposed succeed i'm not sure next.


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