c++ - How do I can call each other function in the different view in MFC? -

i have make view in dialog in mfc. , want call function dialog view. how can call each other function in different view?

here code have attached link

void cmfc_test5dlg::ondropfiles(hdrop hdropinfo) { int nfiles; char szpathname[max_path];  cstring strfilename; nfiles = ::dragqueryfile( hdropinfo, 0xffffffff, szpathname, max_path );  { ::dragqueryfile(hdropinfo, 0, szpathname, max_path); } ::dragfinish(hdropinfo); cdialog::ondropfiles(hdropinfo);  dodisplayimage(); <---here call function.  cdialogex::ondropfiles(hdropinfo);  } 

and here function

void ctestview::dodisplayimage() {   cdc *pdc = getdc();   if (pdc != null && m_image.isvalid() )      {       crect rectclient;       getclientrect(rectclient);       pdc->fillsolidrect(rectclient,pdc->getbkcolor());       // set windows bitmap header       bitmapinfoheader bmi;       bmi.bisize = sizeof(bitmapinfoheader);    // size of structure       bmi.biwidth = m_image.columns();          // bitmaps width in pixels       bmi.biheight = (-1)*m_image.rows();       // bitmaps height n pixels       bmi.biplanes = 1;                         // number of planes in image        bmi.bibitcount = 32;                      // number of bits per pixel        bmi.bicompression = bi_rgb;               // type of         ... 

and dodisplayimage function called here

void ctestview::ondraw(cdc* pdc) {     cdocument* pdoc = getdocument();     // todo: add draw code here     dodisplayimage(); } 

but, know, problem can't call dodisplayimage() in void cmfc_test5dlg::ondropfiles(hdrop hdropinfo) function want szpathname of ondropfiles function in dodisplayimage.

what should solving problems?

update 1

there error when make following.

1>d:\work\mfc_test5\mfc_test5\testview.h(29): error c2143: syntax error : missing ';' before '*' 1>d:\work\mfc_test5\mfc_test5\testview.h(29): error c4430: missing type specifier - int assumed. note: c++ not support default-int 1>d:\work\mfc_test5\mfc_test5\testview.h(29): error c4430: missing type specifier - int assumed. note: c++ not support default-int 1> 1>build failed.

in testview.h,

#pragma once    // ctestview view  class ctestview : public cscrollview {     declare_dyncreate(ctestview)  protected:     ctestview();           // protected constructor used dynamic creation     virtual ~ctestview();  public: #ifdef _debug     virtual void assertvalid() const; #ifndef _win32_wce     virtual void dump(cdumpcontext& dc) const; #endif #endif  protected:     virtual void ondraw(cdc* pdc);      // overridden draw view     virtual void oninitialupdate();     // first time after construct      declare_message_map() public:     ctestview* ptestview; <---- right? }; 

here code have attached link


i have done following.

// mfc_test5dlg.h : header file //  #pragma once #include "afxcmn.h"   // cmfc_test5dlg dialog class ctestview;//adding class cmfc_test5dlg : public cdialogex { // construction public:     cmfc_test5dlg(cwnd* pparent = null);    // standard constructor     ctestview* ptestview;//adding  // dialog data     enum { idd = idd_mfc_test5_dialog };      protected:     virtual void dodataexchange(cdataexchange* pdx);    // ddx/ddv support   cmfc_test5dlg::cmfc_test5dlg(cwnd* pparent /*=null*/)     : cdialogex(cmfc_test5dlg::idd, pparent)     , m_cstring(_t("")) {     m_hicon = afxgetapp()->loadicon(idr_mainframe);     ptestview = null; //adding } 

but can't understand @ part how implement in case.

you have set ptestview each time dialog created. example:  void ctestview::foo() {     cmfc_test5dlg dlg(...);     dlg.ptestview = this;     dlg.domodal(); } 

in mfc's document/view architecture not call view's method outside.

the way view draw through document updating content , invoking updateallviews(), possibly hint (for optimization).


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