- datatable to Excel in c# -

while exporting datatable excel columns fall new line. don't know problem is. code below:

string attachment = "attachment; filename=test.xls"; response.clearcontent(); response.addheader("content-disposition", attachment); response.contenttype = "application/"; string tab = ""; foreach (datacolumn dc in transposedtable.columns) {     response.write(tab + dc.columnname);     //tab = "\t"; } response.write("\t"); int i; foreach (datarow dr in transposedtable.rows) {     response.write("\n");     tab = "";     (i = 0; < transposedtable.columns.count; i++)     {         response.write(tab + dr[i].tostring());         tab = "\t";     }     response.write("\t"); } response.end(); 

i have tried many ways, didn't exact issue. issue excel in machine or code?

it seems possible datarow data contains newline characters, 1 reason why newlines might appearing in data.


    response.write(tab + dr[i].tostring()); 


    string replacement = regex.replace(dr[i].tostring(), @"\t|\n|\r", "");     response.write(tab + replacement); 

may fix problem if did diagnose correctly.


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