android - How to add list of songs from storage and display it on one of my fragments -

how add list of songs inside 1 of fragment java , xml , mainactivity java , xml.

this other java classes related adding songs


public class song { private long id; private string title; private string artist; private long duration;  public song(long songid, string songtitle, string songartist) {     id=songid;     title=songtitle;     artist=songartist; }  public long getid() {     return id; }  public string gettitle() {     return title; }  public string getartist() {     return artist; } } 


public class musicservice extends service implements     mediaplayer.onpreparedlistener, mediaplayer.onerrorlistener,     mediaplayer.oncompletionlistener { ////////////////////////////////// declarations    //////////////////////////////////////////////////// //media player private mediaplayer player; //song list private arraylist<song> songs; //current position private int songposn; //binder private final ibinder musicbind = new musicbinder(); //title of current song private string songtitle=""; //notification id private static final int notify_id=1; //shuffle flag , random private boolean shuffle=false; private random rand;  public void oncreate(){     //create service     super.oncreate();     //initialize position     songposn=0;     //random     rand=new random();     //create player     player = new mediaplayer();     //initialize     initmusicplayer(); }  public void initmusicplayer(){     //set player properties     player.setwakemode(getapplicationcontext(),             powermanager.partial_wake_lock);     player.setaudiostreamtype(audiomanager.stream_music);     //set listeners     player.setonpreparedlistener(this);     player.setoncompletionlistener(this);     player.setonerrorlistener(this); }  //pass song list public void setlist(arraylist<song> thesongs){     songs = thesongs; }  //binder public class musicbinder extends binder {     musicservice getservice() {         return musicservice.this;     } }  //activity bind service @override public ibinder onbind(intent intent) {     return musicbind; }  //release resources when unbind @override public boolean onunbind(intent intent){     player.stop();     player.release();     return false; }  //////////////////////////////////////// play song /////////////////////////////////////////// public void playsong(){     //play     player.reset();     //get song     song playsong = songs.get(songposn);     //get title     songtitle = playsong.gettitle();     //get id     long currsong = playsong.getid();     //set uri     uri trackuri = contenturis.withappendedid(   ,             currsong);     //set data source     try{         player.setdatasource(getapplicationcontext(), trackuri);     }     catch(exception e){         log.e("music service", "error setting data source", e);     }     player.prepareasync(); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////  //set song public void setsong(int songindex){     songposn=songindex; }  ///////////////////////////completion,prepared,error//////////////////////////////////////////// @override public void oncompletion(mediaplayer mp) {     //check if playback has reached end of track     if(player.getcurrentposition()>0){         mp.reset();         playnext();     } }  @override public boolean onerror(mediaplayer mp, int what, int extra) {     log.v("music player", "playback error");     mp.reset();     return false; }  @override public void onprepared(mediaplayer mp) {     //start playback     mp.start();     //notification     intent notintent = new intent(this, mainactivity.class);     notintent.addflags(intent.flag_activity_clear_top);     pendingintent pendint = pendingintent.getactivity(this, 0,             notintent, pendingintent.flag_update_current);      notification.builder builder = new notification.builder(this);      builder.setcontentintent(pendint)             .setsmallicon(             .setticker(songtitle)             .setongoing(true)             .setcontenttitle("playing")             .setcontenttext(songtitle);     notification not =;     startforeground(notify_id, not); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////playback methods/////////////////////////////////////////////// public int getposn(){     return player.getcurrentposition(); }  public int getdur(){     return player.getduration(); }  public boolean ispng(){     return player.isplaying(); }  public void pauseplayer(){     player.pause(); }  public void seek(int posn){     player.seekto(posn); }  public void go(){     player.start(); }  //skip previous track public void playprev(){     songposn--;     if(songposn<0) songposn=songs.size()-1;     playsong(); }  //skip next public void playnext(){     if(shuffle){         int newsong = songposn;         while(newsong==songposn){             newsong=rand.nextint(songs.size());         }         songposn=newsong;     }     else{         songposn++;         if(songposn>=songs.size()) songposn=0;     }     playsong(); }  //toggle shuffle public void setshuffle(){     if(shuffle) shuffle=false;     else shuffle=true; }   @override public void ondestroy() {     stopforeground(true); }  } 


public class songadapter extends baseadapter {  //song list , layout private arraylist<song> songs; private layoutinflater songinf;  //constructor public songadapter(context c, arraylist<song> thesongs){     songs = thesongs;     songinf=layoutinflater.from(c); }  @override public int getcount() {     return songs.size(); }  @override public song getitem(int arg0) {     return null; }  @override public long getitemid(int arg0) {     return 0; }  @override public view getview(int position, view convertview, viewgroup parent) {     //map song layout     linearlayout songlay = (linearlayout)songinf.inflate(, parent, false);     //get title , artist views     textview songview = (textview)songlay.findviewbyid(;     textview artistview = (textview)songlay.findviewbyid(;     //get song using position     song currsong = songs.get(position);     //get title , artist strings     songview.settext(currsong.gettitle());     artistview.settext(currsong.getartist());     //set position tag     songlay.settag(position);     return songlay; } } 

you have adapter need have listview handle data.

  • first, please include listview widget in layout of fragment
  • second, set adapter listview

your adapter should use viewholder improve performance


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