java - UnfoldingMaps tutorial wrong -

to below code run, need either: comment out maputils.createdefaulteventdispatcher(this, map);


change map type unfoldingmap[] map;

it seems me tutorial wrong in regard. error see in eclipse is:

the method createdefaulteventdispatcher(papplet, unfoldingmap[]) in type maputils not applicable arguments (samplemapapp, unfoldingmap) 

can suggest me how can fix this?

import processing.core.papplet; import de.fhpotsdam.unfolding.unfoldingmap; import de.fhpotsdam.unfolding.providers.abstractmapprovider; import; import de.fhpotsdam.unfolding.geo.location; import de.fhpotsdam.unfolding.utils.maputils;  public class samplemapapp extends papplet {      unfoldingmap map;      public void setup() {         abstractmapprovider provider = new google.googleterrainprovider();         size(800, 600, p2d);         map = new unfoldingmap(this, 50, 50, 500, 350, provider);          // show map around location in given zoom level.         map.zoomandpanto(14, new location(53.385f, -6.161f));         // add mouse , keyboard interactions         maputils.createdefaulteventdispatcher(this, map);     }      public void draw() {         map.draw();     }  } 

ok, turns out downloading latest , greatest processing has fixed issue. i'd love know why code 'mostly' works though if library issue along. tnagel getting me check processing version.


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