c# - LINQ IQueryable returning same rows with skip and take -

using mvc entity framework i'm calling function ajax passes in skip , take parameters.

[httpget] public async task<actionresult> _viewmore( int take, int skip) {     var c = await getcontent( take, skip);     return view(c) }  public async task<list<partialcontent>> getcontentforculture(int take, int skip) {                return await contexthelper.searchcontent(take, skip); }  public static async task<list<partialcontent>> searchcontent( int take, int skip) {     try     {         using (var context = new context())         {             var content = context.contententities.searchcontent(take, skip);              var f = await content.select(s => new partialcontent             {                 subtype = s.subtype,                 id = s.id,                 mainimage = s.mainimage,              }).tolistasync();              return f;         }     }     catch (exception ex)     {         //      log.err(ex.message, ex);         return null;     } }  public static iqueryable<t> searchcontent<t>(this iqueryable<t> source,  int take, int skip)     t : contententity {     source.where(m => m.ispublished ).orderbydescending(m => m.datepublished).skip(skip).take(take)  } 

my issue every time call function same rows returned though debug , skip value increments, , have 100s of rows fetch from.

the solution add order clause suggested damien_the_unbeliever


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