AngularJS Select list has a blank item -

i have few select lists on page 1 of them works fine rest of them have blank item @ top of options list.

this works

<td>     <select data-ng-model="c.resultoptionid" ng-change="checkresult(c)">         <option value="" selected>--select option--</option>         <option data-ng-repeat="opt in c.resultoptions" value="{{opt.value}}">{{opt.text}}</option>     </select> </td> 

this has blank item

<td>     <select data-ng-model="c.equipmentid">         <option value="" selected>--select equipment--</option>         <option data-ng-repeat="eq in" value="{{eq.value}}">{{eq.text}}</option>     </select> </td> 

the html generated select list item is

<td>     <select data-ng-model="c.equipmentid" class="ng-pristine ng-valid ng-not-empty ng-touched">         <option value="? number:0 ?"></option>         <option value="" selected="">--select equipment--</option>         <!-- ngrepeat: eq in -->         <option data-ng-repeat="eq in" value="2" class="ng-binding ng-scope">eq-001</option>         <!-- end ngrepeat: eq in -->     </select> </td> 

i'm new angularjs i've read should work. have checked data returned api call , correct there no unexpected items.


if use ng-repeat generate options, documentation indicates, bound value is, always, string.

but value stored in ngmodel (c.equipmentid) number. you're telling angular: here's list of options values, strings, , please select, among string values, 1 equal number. since string never equal number, angular generates additional option.

so, usual, use ng-options generate options:

<select data-ng-model="c.equipmentid"         ng-options="eq.value eq.text eq in">     <option value="">--select equipment--</option> </select> 

and make sure c.equipmentid contains 1 of proposed equipment values, or null or undefined.


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