Android - onActivityResult from DialogFragment -

i have webview app , want upload image files camera of gallery web page.

i implemented camera upload i'm trying implement dialogfragment let user choose upload file.

the code in fragment , can't pass camera results onactivityresult function, dialogfragment class`public static class editnamedialog extends dialogfragment {

    private button buttoncamera;      public file createimagefile() throws ioexception {         // create image file name         string timestamp = new simpledateformat("yyyymmdd_hhmmss").format(new date());         string imagefilename = "jpeg_" + timestamp + "_";         file storagedir = getactivity().getexternalfilesdir(environment.directory_pictures);         file image = file.createtempfile(                 imagefilename,  /* prefix */                 ".jpg",         /* suffix */                 storagedir      /* directory */         );          // save file: path use action_view intents         mcurrentphotopath = "file:" + image.getabsolutepath();         return image;     }      public void dispatchtakepictureintent() {         intent takepictureintent = new intent(mediastore.action_image_capture);         // ensure there's camera activity handle intent         if (takepictureintent.resolveactivity(getactivity().getpackagemanager()) != null) {             // create file photo should go             file photofile = null;             try {                 photofile = createimagefile();             } catch (ioexception ex) {                 // error occurred while creating file             }             // continue if file created             if (photofile != null) {                 uri photouri = fileprovider.geturiforfile(getactivity(),                         "com.mysite.fileprovider",                         photofile);                 takepictureintent.putextra(mediastore.extra_output, photouri);                 finalphotouri = photouri;                 getactivity().startactivityforresult(takepictureintent, request_take_photo);             }         }     }      public editnamedialog() {         // empty constructor required dialogfragment     }      @override     public view oncreateview(layoutinflater inflater, viewgroup container,                              bundle savedinstancestate) {         view view = inflater.inflate(r.layout.fragment_photo, container);         return view;     }      @override     public void onviewcreated(view view, @nullable bundle savedinstancestate) {         super.onviewcreated(view, savedinstancestate);         // field view         buttoncamera = (button) view.findviewbyid(;         buttoncamera.setonclicklistener(new view.onclicklistener() {             public void onclick(view v) {                 dispatchtakepictureintent();             }          });     } }` 

and onactivityresult class:

@override public void onactivityresult(int requestcode, int resultcode, intent intent) {     super.onactivityresult(requestcode, resultcode, intent);     if(requestcode==request_file_picker)     {         if(mfilepathcallback5!=null)         {             if (finalphotouri != null) {                 mfilepathcallback5.onreceivevalue(new uri[]{ finalphotouri });             }         }         mfilepathcallback5 = null;     } } 

how can pass finalphotouri onactivityresult function?

change dialogfragment appcompatactivity , change it's theme manifest dialog , call startactivityforresult() , result function


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