windows - How to call a subroutine from `for` processed items (after `in`)? -

@echo off setlocal enabledelayedexpansion %%a in (*.*) ( set /a "pre+=1 )  /f %%a in ('call :star') ( set /a "count=count+10000" set /a "fi=10000/pre" set /a "en=!fi!*!count!" set "br=!en:~0,-6!" title !br! ) pause     :star echo stuff. echo more. exit /b 

i'm trying create progress bar updates while commands run. things have been working well, except need able use call command within command, , current setup (below) not working.

how can use call command in loop?

it's not possible directly call subroutine processed items.

but it's possible workaround this aacini's trick:

@echo off if /i "%1" equ "call" shift & shift & goto %2  setlocal enabledelayedexpansion %%a in (*.*) ( set /a "pre+=1 )  /f %%a in ('%0 call :star') ( set /a "count=count+10000" set /a "fi=10000/pre" set /a "en=!fi!*!count!" set "br=!en:~0,-6!" title !br! ) pause   exit /b %errorlevel%  :star echo stuff. echo more. exit /b 

you need line if /i "%1" equ "call" shift & shift & goto %2 @ beginning of script , can call subroutine %0 call :start form loop.


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