windows - C++ Windows32 GDI Fill Triangle -

the standard way of fillrect in gdi

rectangle(hdc, x_, y_, x_ + width_, y_ + height_); 

but how fill triangle ? how approach without using other resources ?

use polygon function, uses current brush fill polygon. following example draws triangle outlined in red , filled blue:

#include <windows.h> #include <windowsx.h>  ...  hpen hpen = createpen(ps_solid, 2, rgb(255, 0, 0)); hpen holdpen = selectpen(hdc, hpen);  hbrush hbrush = createsolidbrush(rgb(0, 0, 255)); hbrush holdbrush = selectbrush(hdc, hbrush);  point vertices[] = { {200, 100}, {300, 300}, {100, 300} }; polygon(hdc, vertices, sizeof(vertices) / sizeof(vertices[0]));  selectbrush(hdc, holdbrush); deleteobject(hbrush);  selectpen(hdc, holdpen); deleteobject(hpen); 

the result looks this:



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