linux - Ansible "missing become password" on one machine but not another -

the situation this: machine on target machine b, run below shell code , completes successfully. machine on target machine c, run below shell code , gives me "become password missing". can log both machine , b credentials without being prompted sudo password or anything.

i go ansible.cfg , uncomment ask_sudo_pass , causes code prompt me sudo password request. however, want automate dozens of machines, can't enter sudo password every 1 every time use this. i'm in process of setting ssh keys these machines, there's been delays there need way automate in short term. suggestions please?

these shell commands i'm using:

export ansible_host_key_checking=false sshpass -p ${ssh_password} ansible-playbook -i hosts site.yml -u ${ssh_username} --extra-vars="ssh_user=${ssh_username}"

i remove password of user on target

passwd --delete username 

and rely on id_rsa connect, of course "username" on target part of wheel group.

you can try edit sudoers file , add this

your_username  all=(all)       nopasswd: 

hope helps,


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