c# - member login and read own notes -

i have created website user can become register , log in username / password when log in, can create own notes + (here's problem started> must option can read or see own notes ex on second page.

i confused, maybe guys can me , try different sql statements , different inner join but,nothing happens on page,where users can see own notes after finished create own notes.

my db looks this. 2 table. tbluser (fldid, fldusername, fldpassword) , tblnote (fldid, fldnotes)

my code-behind , sql statements this:

    code-behind: createnotes.aspx      protected void btncreate_click(object sender, eventargs e)     getcontent objnote = new getcontent();     objnote._note = txttext.text;     objnote._idnote = convert.toint32(session["userid"]);     objnote.addnotes();      litsvar.text = "you have create notes";     response.addheader("refresh", "5; url=createnote.aspx"); }      sql statement :      public void addnotes() {     string strsql = "insert tblnote (fldnote) values(@note)";     sqlcommand cmd = new sqlcommand(strsql);     cmd.parameters.addwithvalue("@note", _note);     cmd.parameters.addwithvalue("@idnote", _idnote);      objdata.modifydata(cmd); }  ................      code-behind: usernotes.aspx     if (session["userid"] != null)     {         objdinnote._idnote = convert.toint32(session["userid"]);         datatable dtnotes =    objdinnote.getnotesbyid(convert.toint32(request.querystring["id"]));         foreach (datarow notes in dtnotes.rows)         {             litsvar.text += notes["fldnote"];         }        }      sql statement:      public datatable getnotesbyid(int _id)      {     string strsql = ("select tbllogin.*, tblnote.fldnote tbllogin inner  join tblnote on tbllogin.fldid = tblnote.fldidnote tbllogin.fldid = @id");     sqlcommand cmd = new sqlcommand(strsql);     cmd.parameters.addwithvalue("@id", _id);     return objdata.getdata(cmd);     } 

you don't need join login if know field can directly pass tblnote , related notes

select fldnote tblnote  fldid= @id 


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