antlr4 literal string handling -
i have following antlr4 grammar:
grammar squirrel; program: globalstatement+; globalstatement: globalvardef | classdef | functiondef; globalvardef: ident '=' constantexpr ';'; classdef: class ident '{' classstatement+ '}'; functiondef: function ident '(' parameterlist ')' functionbody; constructordef: constructor '(' parameterlist ')' functionbody; parameterlist: ident (',' ident)* | ; functionbody: '{' statement* '}'; classstatement: globalvardef | functiondef | constructordef; statement: expression ';'; expression: ident # ident | ident '=' expression # assignment | ident ('.' ident)+ # lookupchain | constantexpr # constant | ident '(' expressionlist ')' # functioncall | expression '+' expression # addition; constantexpr: integer | string; expressionlist: expression (',' expression)* | ; constructor: 'constructor'; class: 'class'; function: 'function'; comment: '//'.*[\n]; string: '"' char* '"'; char: [ a-za-z0-9]; integer: [0-9]+; ident: [a-za-z]+; ws: [ \t\r\n]+ -> skip;
now if parse file:
z = "global variable"; class base { z = 10; }
everything fine:
@0,0:0='z',<16>,1:0 @1,2:2='=',<1>,1:2 @2,4:20='"global variable"',<14>,1:4 @3,21:21=';',<2>,1:21 @4,26:30='class',<11>,3:0 @5,32:35='base',<16>,3:6 @6,38:38='{',<3>,4:0 @7,42:42='z',<16>,5:1 @8,44:44='=',<1>,5:3 @9,46:47='10',<15>,5:5 @10,48:48=';',<2>,5:7 @11,51:51='}',<4>,6:0 @12,56:55='<eof>',<-1>,8:0
but file:
z = "global variable"; class base { z = "10"; }
i this:
@0,0:0='z',<16>,1:0 @1,2:2='=',<1>,1:2 @2,4:49='"global variable";\r\n\r\nclass base\r\n{\r\n\tz = "10"',<14>,1:4 @3,50:50=';',<2>,5:9 @4,53:53='}',<4>,6:0 @5,58:57='<eof>',<-1>,8:0
so seems between first " , last " in file gets matched 1 string literal.
how prevent ?
note string matching first quote last possible quote.
by default, kleene operator (*
) in antlr greedy. so, change
string: '"' char* '"';
string: '"' char*? '"';
to make non-greedy.
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