php - How to change javascript call to index my pages naturally -

i have serious problem indexing of sites pages getting them on sitemap. asked on google forums , told me looking ont source code of 1 of pages brand page ( doesn't use normal linke , link mechanism javascript function call makes hard search engines discover brand pages naturally.

here's code of file

<?php require_once('inc/header.php'); ?> <body> <script> $('.category').click(function(){         var idvalue = $(this).attr('id');         if(idvalue =='category_all'){             $("ul").hide();             return false;         }else{             $("ul").hide();             if($("ul."+idvalue).length){                 $("ul."+idvalue).show();                 $(this).addclass('categoryopen');             }         }     });     function changeproductbymanufacture(categoryid,subcategoryid,marqueid,marquename,sortby,boutiqueid){         if(!sortby || $.trim(sortby) == '') sortby = '';         $(".flash").show();         $(".flash").fadein(400);         $(".flash").html("<img src=\"images/loader.gif\" />");         if($.trim(marqueid) == '' && $.trim(boutiqueid) == ''){             var marqueid = $('#filterby').val();             var datastring = 'categoryid='+categoryid+'&subcategoryid='+subcategoryid+'&marqueid='+marqueid;         }else{             $(".category").removeclass("categorysel");             $(".subcatspan").removeclass("subcategory_sel");             $(".menu_sub_outer").hide();             $("#marque_"+marqueid).addclass("categorysel");             var datastring = 'findmarqueid='+marqueid;             if(categoryid && $.trim(categoryid) != '')                 datastring = datastring + '&categoryid='+categoryid;             if(boutiqueid && $.trim(boutiqueid) != '')                 datastring = datastring + '&findboutiqueid='+boutiqueid;                 console.log(datastring);             if(marquename && $.trim(marquename) != 'undefined' && $.trim(marquename) != '')                 var testurl = "<?php echo sitepath.'marque/'; ?>"+marquename+"<?php echo '-'; ?>"+marqueid+"<?php echo '.html'; ?>";             if (typeof (history.pushstate) != "undefined" && testurl && $.trim(testurl) != 'undefined'){                 objpage = 1;                 var obj = { page: objpage, url: testurl };                 history.pushstate(obj, obj.objpage, obj.url);             }         }          $.ajax({             type: "post",             url: '<?php echo sitepath; ?>ajax/ajaxlistproduit.php?rand=' + new date().gettime(),             data: datastring+'&sortby='+sortby,             cache: false,             success: function(result){             $(".flash").hide();                 $("#list").html(result);                 settimeout(function() {                     $("html, body").scrolltop(50);                 }, 10);             }         });         return false;     }     function changeproductbyboutique(categoryid,subcategoryid,boutiqueid,boutiquename,sortby){         if(!sortby || $.trim(sortby) == '' || $.trim(sortby) == 'undefined') sortby = '';         if(!boutiqueid || $.trim(boutiqueid) == '' || $.trim(boutiqueid) == 'undefined') marqueid = '';         $(".flash").show();         $(".flash").fadein(400);         $(".flash").html("<img src=\"images/loader.gif\" />");         if($.trim(boutiqueid) == ''){             var boutiqueid = $('#filterby').val();             var datastring = 'categoryid='+categoryid+'&subcategoryid='+subcategoryid+'&boutiqueid='+boutiqueid;         }else{             $(".category").removeclass("categorysel");             $(".subcatspan").removeclass("subcategory_sel");             $(".menu_sub_outer").hide();             $("#marque_"+boutiqueid).addclass("categorysel");             var datastring = 'findboutiqueid='+boutiqueid;             if(boutiquename && $.trim(boutiquename) != 'undefined' && $.trim(boutiquename) != '')                 var testurl = "<?php echo sitepath.'boutique/'; ?>"+boutiquename+"-"+boutiqueid+"<?php echo '.html'; ?>";             if (typeof (history.pushstate) != "undefined" && testurl && $.trim(testurl) != 'undefined'){                 objpage = 1;                 var obj = { page: objpage, url: testurl };                 history.pushstate(obj, obj.objpage, obj.url);             }         }         $.ajax({             type: "post",             url: '<?php echo sitepath; ?>ajax/ajaxlistproduit.php?rand=' + new date().gettime(),             data: datastring+'&sortby='+sortby,             cache: false,             success: function(result){             $(".flash").hide();                 $("#list").html(result);                 settimeout(function() {                     $("html, body").scrolltop(50);                 }, 10);             }         });         return false;     } </script> <div id="main">     <?php require_once("inc/top.php"); ?>      <div id="menu-left">         <?php              if(isset($leftmarquefilters) && !empty($leftmarquefilters) && count($leftmarquefilters) >0){                 if(isset($leftmarquefilters['found_rows'])) unset($leftmarquefilters['found_rows']);         ?>             <div id="menu-cat">                 <div id="menu-bandeau" class="menu-bands">                     <h1 class="rouge-degrade menu2"><?php echo 'marques populaires'; ?></h1>                     <div class="menu-ombre"> </div>                     <div class="menu-lf ombre-shadow">  </div>                     <div class="menu-rg sprite ombre-shadow coin-droite"> </div>                 </div>                 <?php                     foreach($leftmarquefilters $keys => $res) { ?>                         <span>                             <div class="outer-menu nosubmenu">                                 <a onclick="javascript:return changeproductbymanufacture('','',<?php echo $res->id?>,'<?php echo mrproprenoplus($res->name) ?>');"  href="#" id="marque_<?php echo $res->id;?>" class="category <?php if(isset($_session['marquelistall']) && $_session['marquelistall'] == $res->id) echo 'categorysel'; ?>" title="<?php echo strtoupper($res->name);?>">                                  <div class="sel_sub">                                     <span class="submenu_lf"></span>                                     <div class="sel_md">                                         <span class="leftmenu"><?php echo ( isset($res->name) && (strlen($res->name)>25) ? substr($res->name, 0,25).'...' : $res->name ) ;?></span>                                         <span id="category_arrow_<?php echo $res->id;?>" class="sub_cat_indicator fright"> </span>                                         <span class="arrow_down"></span>                                     </div>                                     <span class="submenu_rg"></span>                                 </div>                             </a>                             </div>                         </span>             <?php   } ?>             </div>         <?php }elseif(isset($leftboutiquefilters) && !empty($leftboutiquefilters) && count($leftboutiquefilters) >0){                 if(isset($leftboutiquefilters['found_rows'])) unset($leftboutiquefilters['found_rows']);         ?>             <div id="menu-cat">                 <div id="menu-bandeau" class="menu-bands">                     <h1 class="rouge-degrade menu2"><?php echo 'boutiques populaires'; ?></h1>                     <div class="menu-ombre"> </div>                     <div class="menu-lf ombre-shadow">  </div>                     <div class="menu-rg sprite ombre-shadow coin-droite"> </div>                 </div>                 <?php                     foreach($leftboutiquefilters $keys => $res) { ?>                         <span>                             <div class="outer-menu nosubmenu">                                 <a onclick="javascript:return changeproductbyboutique('','',<?php echo $res->id?>,'<?php echo mrproprenoplus($res->name) ?>');"  href="#" id="boutique_<?php echo $res->id;?>" class="category <?php if(isset($_session['boutiqueall']) && $_session['boutiqueall'] == $res->id) echo 'categorysel'; ?>" title="<?php echo strtoupper($res->name);?>">                                  <div class="sel_sub">                                     <span class="submenu_lf"></span>                                     <div class="sel_md">                                         <span class="leftmenu"><?php echo ( isset($res->name) && (strlen($res->name)>25) ? substr($res->name, 0,25).'...' : $res->name ) ;?></span>                                         <span id="category_arrow_<?php echo $res->id;?>" class="sub_cat_indicator fright"> </span>                                         <span class="arrow_down"></span>                                     </div>                                     <span class="submenu_rg"></span>                                 </div>                             </a>                             </div>                         </span>             <?php   } ?>             </div>         <?php } ?>     </div>      <div id="menu-main">         <div id="list">         </div>         <span style="padding-left:23%;" class="flash"></span>     </div>     <div style="clear: both"></div>   </div> <?php require_once("inc/footer.php") ; ?> </body> </html> <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function(){     changepaginationbylistproduct(<?php echo (isset($_session['listpageid']) ? $_session['listpageid'] : '1');?>); }); function changepaginationbylistproduct(listpageid){     <?php if(isset($_get['marque']) && !empty($_get['marque'])) { ?>         var marque = '<?php echo (isset($_get['marque']) ? $_get['marque'] : '');?>';         var datastring = 'listpageid='+ listpageid+'&marque='+marque;     <?php }elseif(isset($_get['boutique']) && !empty($_get['boutique'])) { ?>         var boutique = '<?php echo (isset($_get['boutique']) ? $_get['boutique'] : '');?>';         var datastring = 'listpageid='+ listpageid+'&boutique='+boutique;     <?php }else{ ?>         var datastring = 'listpageid='+ listpageid;     <?php } ?>     $(".flash").show();     $(".flash").fadein(400);     $(".flash").html("<img src=\"images/loader.gif\" />");      $.ajax({         type: "post",         url: '<?php echo sitepath; ?>ajax/ajaxlistallproduit.php?rand=' + new date().gettime(),         data: datastring,         cache: false,         success: function(result){         $(".flash").hide();             $("#list").html(result);             settimeout(function() {                 $("html, body").scrolltop(50);             }, 10);         }     });      return false; } function submitfilterpaginationbylist(){     var listperpage = $('#paginationperpage').val();     <?php if(isset($_get['marque']) && !empty($_get['marque'])) { ?>         var marque = '<?php echo (isset($_get['marque']) ? $_get['marque'] : '');?>';         var datastring = 'listpageid=1'+ '&listperpage='+ listperpage +'&marque='+marque;     <?php }elseif(isset($_get['boutique']) && !empty($_get['boutique'])) { ?>         var boutique = '<?php echo (isset($_get['boutique']) ? $_get['boutique'] : '');?>';         var datastring = 'listpageid=1'+ '&listperpage='+ listperpage +'&boutique='+boutique;     <?php }else{ ?>         var datastring = 'listpageid=1'+ '&listperpage='+ listperpage ;     <?php } ?>      $(".flash").show();      $(".flash").fadein(400);      $(".flash").html("<img src=\"images/loader.gif\" />");      $.ajax({            type: "post",            url: '<?php echo sitepath; ?>ajax/ajaxlistallproduit.php?rand=' + new date().gettime(),            data: datastring,            cache: false,            success: function(result){            $(".flash").hide();                  $("#list").html(result);                  settimeout(function() {                    $("html, body").scrolltop(50);                  }, 10);            }       });       return false; } 


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