php - How to get reference table data in Laravel 5.1 -

i created model account accountgroup_id refer account_group model. call route this

 route::get('test', function () {     return \app\account::get()->account_group;   }); 

account model has belogsto relationship account_group

 class account extends model  {      protected $fillable = ['accountgroup_id', 'accountno', 'accountname','address','contactno'];     public function account_group()    {          return $this->belongsto('app\account_group');    }  } 

account_group model has hasmany relationship account

class account_group extends model {    protected $fillable =['name','under'];    public function account()    {     return $this->hasmany('app\account','accountgroup_id');    }  } 

but after calling route; got following error.

undefined property: illuminate\database\eloquent\collection::$account_group

first, second class should named accountgroup.

and reading error give clue what's - \app\account::get() returns collection of account objects, each of have accountgroup. need choose specific account want, you'll able access account_group property on it:

\app\account::find(1)->account_group; // account id 1 \app\account::first()->account_group; // first account record 


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