javascript - Re-sizing a div should re-size other div's proportionately -
i have pasted js code, css , html respectively below.
var hgt=0,newhgt=0,bsh=0,diff=0; $('#foots').resizable({ alsoresize:"#footc", handles:"n", start: function(event,ui){ oldhgt = ui.size.height; bsh = $('#bodys').height(); }, resize:function(event,ui){ diff = oldhgt - ui.size.height; if(diff<0) newhgt = bsh - math.abs(diff); else newhgt = bsh + diff; $('#bodys').height(newhgt); }, stop:function(event,ui){ newhgt = bsh - math.abs(oldhgt - ui.size.height); $('#bodys').css("height",newhgt+"px"); $('#bodyc').css("height",newhgt+"px"); $('#foots').css("height",ui.size.height+"px"); } });
#vscale,#canvas { height: auto; width: auto; /* border: 1px solid gray; */ margin-left: 5px; float: left; position:absolute; } #canvas{ margin-left:100px; } .scale { height:150px; width:50px; border: 1px dotted gray; } #heads,#headc{border-color: red;min-height:50px;} #bodys,#bodyc{border-color: blue;min-height:50px;} #foots,#footc{border-color: green; min-height:50px;} .ui-resizable-helper { border: 1px dotted #999; } .fscale{top:0.0px;position:relative;} .cont{ border: 1px dotted gray; height:150px; width:auto; }
<link href="" rel="stylesheet"/> <script src=""></script> <script src=""></script> <script src=""></script> <div id="vscale" style="top:75px;"> <div id="heads" class="scale">hscale</div> <div id="bodys" class="scale">bscale</div> <div id="foots" class="scale fscale">fscale</div> </div> <div id="canvas" style="width:300px;top:75px;"> <div id="headc" class="cont">headcontainer</div> <div id="bodyc" class="cont">bodycontainer</div> <div id="footc" class="cont">footcontainer</div> </div>
the problem when re-size north handle of #foots div unable change height of #bodys div , #bodyc div while re-sizing , when re-size stops. need decrease top of #footc div re-sizing #foots div dynamically. sort of helpful.
below logic wrote re-size working #bodyc , #bodys accordingly.
var oldfsh=0,newbsh,oldbsh=0,diff; $('#foots').resizable({ ghost:true, handles:"n", start: function(event,ui){ oldfsh = $('#foots').height(); oldbsh = $('#bodys').height(); newbsh=diff=0; }, resize:function(event,ui){ var newfsh = ui.size.height; diff = oldfsh > newfsh?oldfsh - newfsh:newfsh - oldfsh; newbsh = oldfsh > newfsh?oldbsh+diff:oldbsh-diff; $('#bodys,#bodyc').height(newbsh); }, stop:function(event,ui){ var newfsh = ui.size.height; $('#bodys,#bodyc').css("height",newbsh+"px"); $('#footc').css("height",newfsh + "px"); $("#foots").css("top","0px"); } });
#vscale,#canvas { height: auto; width: auto; /* border: 1px solid gray; */ margin-left: 5px; float: left; /*here can use display: inline-block instead of float:left*/ position:absolute; } #canvas{ margin-left:100px; } .scalecont { height:144px; border: 1px dotted gray; } .bodycss{ height:200px; border: 1px dotted blue; } #foots{top:0px;position:relative;} #headc,#bodyc,#footc{width:auto;} .ui-resizable-helper { border: 1px dotted #999; }
<div id="vscale" style="top:100px;"> <div id="heads" class="scalecont">hscale</div> <div id="bodys" class="bodycss">bscale</div> <div id="foots" class="scalecont">fscale</div> </div> <div id="canvas" style="width:300px;top:100px;"> <div id="headc" class="scalecont">headcontainer</div> <div id="bodyc" class="bodycss">bodycontainer</div> <div id="footc" class="scalecont">footcontainer</div> </div>
and, added option called "ghost:true" jquery resizable widget.
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