botframework - How do I embed a Web Chat to my Bot? -

i have registered , deployed functional (enough) bot via bot framework management portal. when test via textboxes in admin portal, works great. i'm trying add web chat in web page.

i have gone in , configured web chat , now, i'm using iframe gives me hardcoded secret token. additionally, select "enable bot on web chat" checkbox in there. , clear, have redeployed bot after adding iframe & secret.

when i'm done, "web chat" displays above independent of of other channels, however, published slider slid off.

when deploy bot web chat iframe & secret, web chat control can type in never responds me. still, if test bot in admin panel, works great.

other pieces of info:

  • i'm hosting in azure custom domain , commercial ssl
  • my custom domain third-level domain (i.e.
  • the web chat neither works in local debug nor online
  • the bot emulator works great locally
  • the bot emulator works great if point online-deployed bot

do need else embed functional web chat control in site?

there temporary issue service required changing query parameter in iframe "s" "t". if made change should switch using "s".

the publish on/off determines whether channel listed available in bot directory. bot directory has not been released yet buttons disabled. webchat iframe should work regardless of setting.


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