spring data - ResourceProcessor is not working with PagedResources -

hi i'm trying add custom links paged resources without success. issue may related datarest-375 can please verify i'm doing right.

@restcontroller @requestmapping(value = "/photos") public class photocontroller implements resourceprocessor<pagedresources<resource<fileinfo>>> {  private static final string media = "media";  @autowired private filesystemservice photoservice;  @requestmapping(method = requestmethod.get) public httpentity<pagedresources<resource<fileinfo>>> getallphotos( pageable pageable, pagedresourcesassembler<fileinfo> asemb )          throws ioexception {     page<fileinfo> imagesinfo = photoservice.getimagesinfo(pageable);     return new responseentity<>( asemb.toresource(imagesinfo), httpstatus.ok ); }  @requestmapping(value = "/{id}", method = requestmethod.get) public responseentity<gridfsresource> getphoto( @pathvariable("id") string id ) throws ioexception {     gridfsresource imagebyname = photoservice.getimagebyid(id);     return new responseentity<>( imagebyname, httpstatus.ok ); }  @override public pagedresources<resource<fileinfo>> process(pagedresources<resource<fileinfo>> resources) {      collection<resource<fileinfo>> content = resources.getcontent();      (resource<fileinfo> resource : content) {         try {             resource.add(linkto(methodon(photocontroller.class).getphoto(resource.getcontent().get_id().tostring())).withrel(media));         } catch (ioexception e) {             throw new runtimeexception(e);         }     }      return resources; } 


i tried around little , found way to this:

  1. your resource processor should target element type - implement implements resourceprocessor<resource<fileinfo>>

  2. to integrate spring data rest controller should not @restcontroller @repositoryrestcontroller

  3. if use repositoryrestcontroller need autowire pagedresourcesassembler instead if passing method argument

that should result in this:

@repositoryrestcontroller @requestmapping(value = "/photos") public class photocontroller implements resourceprocessor<resource<fileinfo>> {  private static final string media = "media";  @autowired private filesystemservice photoservice;  @autowired private pagedresourcesassembler<fileinfo> asemb;  @requestmapping(method = requestmethod.get) public httpentity<pagedresources<resource<fileinfo>>> getallphotos( pageable pageable )          throws ioexception {     page<fileinfo> imagesinfo = photoservice.getimagesinfo(pageable);     return new responseentity<>( asemb.toresource(imagesinfo), httpstatus.ok ); }  @requestmapping(value = "/{id}", method = requestmethod.get) public responseentity<gridfsresource> getphoto( @pathvariable("id") string id ) throws ioexception {     gridfsresource imagebyname = photoservice.getimagebyid(id);     return new responseentity<>( imagebyname, httpstatus.ok ); }  @override public pagedresources<resource<fileinfo>> process(resource<fileinfo> resource) {      resource.add(linkto(methodon(photocontroller.class).getphoto(resource.getcontent().get_id().tostring())).withrel(media));      return resource; } 

i tried in similar setup yours , worked.

this part of documentation gives little more details on this: http://docs.spring.io/spring-data/rest/docs/current/reference/html/#_repositoryresthandlermapping


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