Setting up .htaccess with apache and laravel -

this seems have been asked hundreds of times, , read , tried different things. nothing seems work, after reading 5 google pages gave , want see if can give me answer.

i want remove /public url

i'm using apache 2.4 server on windows. installed laravel.

i made sure rewrite module on in apache (php's get_apache_modules() shows it) , i'm trying write .htaccess - , can't understand how works. don't want change in apache configurations (i'm using machine develop multiple apps)

my current .htaccess files : in app route directory

options -multiviews rewriteengine on  rewriterule ^ public/index.php [l] 

and in public folder

options -multiviews rewriteengine on  rewritecond %{request_filename} !-d rewritecond %{request_filename} !-f rewriterule ^ /texteditor/public/index.php [l] 

right localhost/texteditor/ - , after isn't public/ gives me 404

also can recommend easy .htaccess tutorial dummies?

i have done thing doing following , working fine. please if helpful you.

  1. move public/index.php www/texteditor/index.php.
  2. also move public/.htaccess www/texteditor/.htaccess.

then can it.

please replace app root directory's .htaccess public/.htaccess.


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