c# - Program not calculating correctly -

i have 2 calculations correct, parts , tax, service , labor , total wrong. insight overlooked appreciated.


using system; using system.collections.generic; using system.componentmodel; using system.data; using system.drawing; using system.linq; using system.text; using system.threading.tasks; using system.windows.forms;  namespace windowsformsapplication10 {     public partial class form1 : form     {         public form1()         {             initializecomponent();         }         //method calculating oil , lube charges         private int oillubecharges()         {             int total = 0;              //if oil checked, add 28 total             if (chkoilchange.checked)             {                 total += 26;             }               //if lube checked, add 18 total             if (chklube.checked)             {                 total += 18;                 return total;             }            //if nothing checked return 0             else             {                 return total;             }          }       //method calculating flushes      private int flushcharges()      {          //define local variable          int total = 0;           //if radiator checked, add 30 total          if (chkradiator.checked)          {              total += 30;               //if transmission checked, add 80 total              if (chktransmission.checked)              {                  total += 80;                  return total;              }                  //if nothing checked return 0              else              {                  return total;              }          }          //if nothing checked return 0          else          {              return total;          }       }       private int misccharges()      {          //define local variable          int total = 0;          //if inspection checked, add total          if (chkinspection.checked)          {              total += 15;          }           //if replace muffler checked, add 100 total          if (chkmuffler.checked)          {              total += 100;          }           //if tire rotation checked, add 20 total          if (chktire.checked)          {              total += 20;              return total;          }          //if nothing checked return 0          else          {              return total;          }      }      //calculate total other charges      private int othercharges()      {          int total = 0;          int labor;          decimal parts;          if (int.tryparse(txtlabor.text, out labor))          {              total = labor;          }           if (decimal.tryparse(txtparts.text, out parts))          {              txtpartstotal.text = parts.tostring("c");               return total;          }           else          {              return total;          }       }       private decimal taxcharges()      {          decimal addtax;          string parts = txtparts.text;           addtax = convert.todecimal(parts) * 0.06m;           txttax.text = addtax.tostring("c");           return addtax;     }       private decimal totalcharges()      {          decimal total;          decimal serviceandlabor;          total = othercharges() + misccharges() + oillubecharges() + flushcharges() + taxcharges();          txttotal.text = total.tostring("c");            serviceandlabor = misccharges() + oillubecharges() + flushcharges() + othercharges();          txtserviceandlabor.text = serviceandlabor.tostring("c");           return total;        }       private void btncalculate_click(object sender, eventargs e)     {         oillubecharges();         flushcharges();         misccharges();         othercharges();         taxcharges();         totalcharges();     }      private void exitbutton_click(object sender, eventargs e)     {         this.close();     }       }     } 

i found problem. in old code had if statement nested 1 when shouldn't have been. on top of returned in middle of method, never reaching 1 statement.

 //if radiator checked, add 30 total      if (chkradiator.checked)      {          total += 30;           //if transmission checked, add 80 total          if (chktransmission.checked)          {              total += 80;              return total;          }              //if nothing checked return 0          else          {              return total;          }      }      //if nothing checked return 0      else      {          return total;      } 


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