c# - MVC Json to HTML table -

i trying pass serialized json string (serialized using jsonconvert.serializeobject) html table. call values inside json string table this: "model.jsonvalue". not sure how make variables out of json string.

my json string:

{   "stats": {     "global": {       "cache": {         "misses": "5"       },       "download": {         "total-downloaded": "500"       },       "error": {         "config-failed": "50",         "retries": "20"       },       "instance": {         "resets": "2016-06-23 09:45:07"       },       "servers": {         "server-in-config": "1",         "servers-running": "1",         "servers-relays": "1"       }     },     "servers": {       "12345": {         "uptime": "0d, 18:01:30",         "retries": "0",         "download-size": "54664",         "server-restart": "1",         "download-time": "1",         "start-time": "2016-06-23 09:45:07",         "logic-time": "123",         "heartbeat": "1",         "logic-retry": "0"       },       "44444": {         "start-time": "2016-06-23 09:45:07",         "download-time": "1",         "logic-time": "123",         "download-size": "54664",         "server-restart": "1",         "logic-retry": "0",         "uptime": "0d, 18:01:30",         "heartbeat": "1",         "retries": "0"       }     }   } } 

in controller serialized follow:

string json = system.io.file.readalltext(@path); string jsonoutput = jsonconvert.serializeobject(json); 

...and have controller values want pass tables follow:

public class stats {     public global global { get; set; }     public list<server> servers { get; set; } }  public class global {     public cache cache { get; set; }     public download download { get; set; }     public error error { get; set; }     public instance instance { get; set; }     public servers servers { get; set; } } 

now know there lots of articles explaining how (i did google) not want use ajax, javascript, knockout or scripts. plain mvc.

hope can assist new mvc , json.

if want plain asp mvc don't convert data file json. load statically typed model (global class) , pass view controller, i.e.:


public class datacontroller : controller {     public actionresult index()     {         string data = system.io.file.readalltext(@path);         var model = convertdatatomodelsomehow(data); //model variable type: global          return view(model);     } } 

then can make view , use model - views\data\index.cshtml:

@model global //your model type passed view  <table>     <thead>         <tr>             <th>server name</th>         </tr>     </thead>     <tbody>     @foreach(var item in model.servers) //if global.servers collection     {         <tr>             <td>@item.name</td> //if element has name property         </tr>     }             </tbody> </table> 

more info here


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