android - adding swipe inside onBindViewHolder RecyclerView -

hey guys im trying use swipe inside onbindviewholder because items database think doesnt seem work cuz app crashing. im using custom cursor adapter recyclerview here code.

@override public void onbindviewholder(itemviewholder viewholder, cursor cursor) {         mitems = cursor;         final int     id      = cursor.getint(cursor.getcolumnindex(mydbhandler.column_id));         final string  title   = cursor.getstring(cursor.getcolumnindex(mydbhandler.column_title_reminder));         final string  desc    = cursor.getstring(cursor.getcolumnindex(mydbhandler.column_desc_reminder));         final string  date    = cursor.getstring(cursor.getcolumnindex(mydbhandler.column_date_reminder));          viewholder.title.settext(title);          viewholder.itemview.setonclicklistener(new view.onclicklistener() {             @override             public void onclick(view v) {                 toast.maketext(context, string.valueof(id), toast.length_short).show();             }         });          itemtouchhelper.simplecallback simpleitemtouchcallback = new itemtouchhelper.simplecallback(0, itemtouchhelper.left | itemtouchhelper.right) {             @override             public boolean onmove(recyclerview recyclerview, recyclerview.viewholder viewholder, recyclerview.viewholder target) {                 return false;             }              @override             public void onswiped(recyclerview.viewholder viewholder, int swipedir) {                 int itemposition = viewholder.getadapterposition();                 notifyitemremoved(itemposition);                 dbhandler.deletereminder(id);             }         };          itemtouchhelper itemtouchhelper = new itemtouchhelper(simpleitemtouchcallback);         itemtouchhelper.attachtorecyclerview(this.myrecyclerview); } 

is there anyway can swiping dismiss items in recyclerview?

remove following chunk of code onbindviewholder , add in activity or fragment initializing adapter.

 itemtouchhelper.simplecallback simpleitemtouchcallback = new itemtouchhelper.simplecallback(0, itemtouchhelper.left | itemtouchhelper.right) {             @override             public boolean onmove(recyclerview recyclerview, recyclerview.viewholder viewholder, recyclerview.viewholder target) {                 return false;             }              @override             public void onswiped(recyclerview.viewholder viewholder, int swipedir) {     // type cast view holder                 // cusrsorviewholder cviewholder = (cursorviewholder)viewholder;                 int itemposition = viewholder.getadapterposition();                 notifyitemremoved(itemposition);                 dbhandler.deletereminder(;             }         };   itemtouchhelper itemtouchhelper = new itemtouchhelper(simpleitemtouchcallback);  itemtouchhelper.attachtorecyclerview(this.myrecyclerview);  //put above code before following method in activity or fragment  //this.recylerview.setadapter(adapter) 

set id in onbindviewholder

@override public void onbindviewholder(itemviewholder viewholder, cursor cursor) {         mitems = cursor;         final int     id      = cursor.getint(cursor.getcolumnindex(mydbhandler.column_id)); = id; } 


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