javascript - How to Display Page Number for iFrame Pagination -

i have main page includes iframe , pagination.

i want display page numbers of iframe pages on sidebar of main page (means, not in iframe in page contain iframe)

here image display want do:

enter image description here

i use jquery code (using jquery-1.9.1.js):

    <script>   var locations = ["./pages/0.html","./pages/1.html", "./pages/2.html", "./pages/3.html","./pages/4.html"];   var currentindex = 0;   var len = locations.length;   $(document).ready(function(){     $(':button').click(function() {         currentindex = this.value == "next" ?                  currentindex < len - 1 ? ++currentindex : len - 1 :                  currentindex > 0 ? --currentindex : 0;         $('#zoome').attr('src', locations[currentindex]);     });   }); </script> 

i wonder correct code display page numbers between next , previous buttons?

here live link: coreneto

you can code html

$('#iframe').load(function() {     var src = $('#iframe').contents().find("html").html();     alert(src); }); 

you can use element's specific value. did not pagination value located assume it's in div or something.

to specific value

$('input:button[name=buttonname]').click(function() {     var name = $('iframe[name=iframename]').contents().find('#controlid').val(); }); 

edit-------------------------------- because have provided more information, suggestion.

create counter label , place in between next , previous button.
javascript increment label amount when click next , decrease when going previous.
make save guard have min , max , forward with. prevents on being on page -1 or higher number pages navigating to.


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