c# - Apply Include and ThenInclude based on Lambda Expressions Dictionary -
i have few entity framework 7 (core) entities:
public class person { public virtual address address { get; set; } public virtual icollection<hobby> hobbies { get; set; } } public class address { public string street { get; set; } public virtual country country { get; set; } }
and have string array follows:
string[] entities = new string[] { "hobbies", "address.country" }
given string array got:
context.persons .include(x => x.hobbies) .include(x => x.address).theninclude(x => x.country);
in ef6 like:
but in ef7 include not allow strings. created dictionary:
private readonly dictionary<string, lambdaexpression> _properties = new dictionary<string, lambdaexpression>();
which have like:
x => x.hobbies "hobbies" x => x.address.country "address.country"
and have extension:
public static iqueryable<t> include<t>(this iqueryable<t> source, dictionary<string, lambdaexpression> properties) { }
where need given dictionary apply following:
for "x => x.hobbies" do:
source.include(x => x.hobbies);
if expression "x => x.address.country" add:
source.include(x => x.address).theninclude(x => x.country);
can done?
not sure theninclude()
, ef 7, can in repositories (tested ef 6):
public myentity getmyentity_eagerlyload(dbcontext context, int id, params expression<func<myentity, object>>[] propertiestoload) { var q = context.myentities.where(m => m.id == id); foreach (var prop in propertiestoload) q = q.include(prop); return q.singleordefault(); }
you can call this:
repo.getmyentity_eagerlyload(context, id, m => m.property1, m => m.property2, m => m.property1.nestedproperty)
edit: there alternative way eager loading ef using projection. generic repository method this:
public myentity getmyentity_eagerlyload<t>(dbcontext context, int id, expression<func<myentity, t>> loadingprojection, func<t, myentity> resultprojection) { var q = context.myentities.where(m => m.id == id); return q.select(loadingprojection).asenumerable().select(resultprojection).singleordefault(); }
and call properties want loaded , entity want method return:
repo.getmyentity_eagerlyload(context, id, m => new { myentity = m, m.property1, m.property2, m.property1.nestedproperty }, m => m.myentity)
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