mongodb - Bulk insert / Insert many with Play Framework, ReactiveMongo -

i building app using play framework 2.5.0 , reactivemongo , spending lot of time, stuck, on easy in web languages.

that thing inserting many documents @ once. so, must use reactivemongo function bulkinsert.

i found this google group had simple example, 2013 , signature changed


def bulkinsert[t](enumerator: enumerator[t])  


def bulkinsert(documents: stream[p.document], ordered: boolean, writeconcern: writeconcern)(implicit ec: executioncontext): future[multibulkwriteresult] 

so here tried take example , find way convert enumerator stream (did not find way so) :

val schemasdocs: seq[jsobject] = { {     case (field, value) => json.obj(field -> value)   } } val enumerator = enumerator.enumerate(schemasdocs) val schemasstream = source.frompublisher(streams.enumeratortopublisher(enumerator)) // attempt turn enumerator stream val schemasinsert = {   getcollection("schemas").flatmap(     _.bulkinsert(schemasstream, true)   ) } 

now find myself diving in akka, reactivemongo , play api try , create stream of jsobjects seq of jsobjects..

then tried different approach: example reactivemongo's website

val bulkdocs =[collection.implicitlydocumentproducer](_)) collection.bulkinsert(ordered=true)(bulkdocs: _*) 

gives me error hard debug :

type mismatch; found : seq[] required: seq[x$48.implicitlydocumentproducer] 

i rather not use streams , use second solution, don't have things don't understand in code..

i found how handle bulkinsert. there example


... librarydependencies ++= seq(   "org.reactivemongo" %% "play2-reactivemongo" % "0.11.14" ) ... 


addsbtplugin("" % "sbt-plugin" % "2.5.12") 


package cx.repository  import cx.model.cxtransactionentity import play.modules.reactivemongo.reactivemongoapi import  import scala.concurrent.{executioncontext, future}  class cxtransactionsrepository @inject()(val reactivemongoapi: reactivemongoapi)(implicit ec: executioncontext){    private val cxtransactionscollectionfuture: future[jsoncollection] =[jsoncollection]("cxtransactions"))    def bulkinsert(seq: seq[cxtransactionentity]): future[int] = {     {       transactions <- cxtransactionscollectionfuture       writeresult <- transactions.bulkinsert(ordered = false)([transactions.implicitlydocumentproducer](_)): _*)     } yield {       writeresult.n     }   }  } 


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