sql server - Adding Full Text Catalog to VS2013 causes build errors in SQL database project -

i want use db project contain definition of full text catalog , indexes. i've added catalog sql server instance , created index

create fulltext catalog [ftscatalog] accent_sensitivity = on default authorization [username_uat]; 

with index

create fulltext index on [dbo].[tablename] ([columnname] language 1033) key index [pk_tablename] on [ftscatalog]; 

however, sql db project gives error on definition of ftscatalog

error   2   sql71501: full-text catalog: [ftscatalog] has unresolved reference object [username_uat] 

using sql database schema compare tool synchronise user generates user file contains this:

create user [username_uat] login [username_uat]; 

the error moves file, contains oddly looking circular reference. error on second occurrence of username_uat:

error   2   sql71501: user: [username_uat] has unresolved reference login [username_uat] 

in schema compare options object types have users, full-text catalogs , full-text indexes checked. there no option synchronise logins.

how definition of full text catalog sql db project?

this stackoverflow question gave me answer:

how create user login in 2013 sql server database project

i had check "logins" checkbox on non-application scoped section of compare options object types.


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