node.js - node server is starting automatically and can't be killed -


  1. windows 10 pro
  2. path setting:

    c:\program files (x86)\nodejs\ (v0.10.13)

    c:\program files\nodejs (v6.2.2)

  3. node version global: v6.2.2

  4. npm version : 3.9.5


i installed node.js, , right after installation got problem because nodejs starting background process taking port 8080 must not taken.

running command:

>netstat -ano | find "8080" tcp               listening       4428 

running command:

>taskkill /im "node.exe" /t /f success: process pid 6140 (child process of pid 4428) has been terminated. success: process pid 2916 (child process of pid 2776) has been terminated. success: process pid 10888 (child process of pid 2776) has been terminated. success: process pid 4428 (child process of pid 2556) has been terminated. success: process pid 2776 (child process of pid 2560) has been terminated.  >netstat -ano | find "8080" 

but after time server started again:

>netstat -ano | find "8080" tcp               listening       11052 

looked startup applications, services , scheduled tasks, found nothing containing node or npm.

also found no info on event in application logs of mmc console.

what part of windows system can cause startup of node server?

how can change default port node server?

also noticed if i'll start other process , bind 8080 right after killing node.exe processes, node trying to: [start new process , connect 8080]----{fail}---->[retry attempt].

task manager displays 2 node.exe processes on port 8000 , 8080. request on ports result in "cannot /". processes of node pointing c:\program files (x86)\nodejs\ (v0.10.13).


don't know why exactly, seems version v0.10.13 of node (was installed along aptana studio 3) has sort of service, wasn't visible in service list , causing trouble. removal of old version of node removed server instances processes.


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